Music Exploration with children 8 – Country Music
I have to admit, I’ve been slacking this month on the music side of things with N. Yes, he’s been singing lots and we’ve been talking about some different instruments, but we’ve not done any specific music activities. What we have done is play a lot of music, probably more than usual. So that makes up for not actually getting round to making some of the instruments I’d been debating.
I’m looking forward to next month being full of carol singing, as I’m sure both of N’s nurseries will be teaching them those. If your children have been doing any singing or music this month (maybe for Children in Need, exams or preparation for Christmas shows, then do come and link up to the #MusicExploration linky which is opens today (yep, it’s a day late again!). Anything to do with music and children, and it can be linked up.
See last month’s linky if you want to see what we got up to. I have to admit I’m jealous of Culture Baby’s opportunities for music for children where they live.
This month:
Theme – Country Music
I’ve tried to theme our music a bit this month. We managed to catch some of Bob Harris country show on BBC Radio 2 which was broadcast from Nashville, so country music was the obvious choice this month. Choosing a theme has been great as even if all you do is listen to music of that genre, there’s now so many places and options you can listen to music, it’s a great way for children to absorb the sounds without realising they’re learning.
We’ve watched a bit of EmmyLou Harris on BBC women in country. I can’t say N was impressed, although I was trying to encourage him. Usually he likes watching people play instruments but this time he wasn’t interested.
On Bob Harris’ show we were in the car, and listened to the fabulous Maddie and Tae. It seems N favours more modern country music, which is probably more my thing too. Although I’m sure if he watched the video too, he’d call them ‘pretty girls’ and be even keener!
We also listened to Kristian Bush playing live. I always wonder what N thinks listening to the radio with all the talking and interviews. I wonder how much he understands. He probably can’t understand why they don’t just play more music.
We’ve also played country music at home on the ipod while we were eating lunch and peeling potatoes. I thought N might have wanted to get up and have a dance, but he was far too busy for that. It did make a change from him asking to play his own music.
I still can’t get N away from his AC/DC or other rock. One morning as I turned off the engine to get out of the car at nursery, AC/DC came on the radio. Quick as a flash, N shouted at me ‘That’s AC/DC, Mummy’. So we had to sit in the car for a bit to listen to it.
N also enjoyed the Midweek middle aged mosh on Simon Mayo’s Drivetime…it was Judas Priest. Sounded like a racket to me, but he loved moshing in the car seat!
Recognising instruments
N’s not really seen many instruments in real life (mine are in the loft or under the stairs cupboard so a bit unreachable at the moment). So I’m trying to help him learn more about them. We haven’t been back to another Cushion Concert yet, but hopefully will do soon. In the meantime N’s enjoyed watching the brass instruments play at the Remembrance Day services, and he recognised a clarinet the other day in a concert we watched on BBC4. As I play the clarinet (or did), I’m pleased he can recognise that one.
N was quite taken with the musical parts of Children in Need. I caught him dancing away. I love how, once he’s started, he has no inhibitions.
The plan next month is more proactive music exploration. Now onto the linky.

This did make me laugh – our two love rock music too, and we had to put breakfast on hold while the kids rocked to Guns N Roses when Chris Evans played it the other day!
What is it with children and rock? Very odd. Bet it’s funny watching them moshing though!
Love the dancing! Thanks for joining in with Linked
I wish I’d been able to get a video of his dancing. I always get the camera too late.
I love country music! Grace has recently started to learn the piano so I must make sure that I get her to write about it so we can link up. I love this time of year for carols too 🙂 Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo x
We are all country crazy in our house 😀 I prefer the more modern stuff too! Hope N keeps enjoying music and discovers lots of different genres.
Louise x
Ooh do you line dance too. I want to try the trendy line dance stuff rather than the middle aged version like my mum used to do. Too hard to find a place near us, although a friend’s parents teach.
N looks so cute dancing and I must agree with him, why don’t they just play more music on the radio?
It must just be the time we have it on at a weekend, usually commercial radio isn’t too bad for talking…except at weekends.