Music Exploration with children – month 6
Wow time’s flying by and my Musical Exploration with Children linky is into month 6. The linky goes live each month on the 15th, and it’s open until the end of the same month. If you want a reminder let me know and I’ll try and prompt you a few days before it goes live.
Here’s last month’s linky if you want to catch up and find ideas of how you can explore music with your children. Last month a debate on age appropriate music at Dad UK blog made me think a bit more, as N gets more into music.
We’ve been watching
While we were away in Bristol, the CBeebies prom was on tv. We managed to catch it before we left home, and N was really keen on watching it, asking about the instruments and trying to sing along. I love the way all the children at the event join in and get involved, helped along by their favourite presenters and characters. Yes, not an hour of thrilling tv for adults, but a great way to introduce songs and musical instruments to children.
We followed this up with our trip to London to watch The Tiger who came to Tea. Not a musical in itself, but certainly bringing stories to life through theatre, along with some songs included (‘yummy scrummy sausages’ anyone?!). Oh, and not forgetting the Tiger-obics that everyone was encouraged to take part in. I’m definitely looking forward to taking N to more shows now I know he can sit still and enjoy them to make it worth spending the money.
We also caught a bit of last night at the proms, so we were talking about violins as we watched the soloist play.
We’ve been singing
N’s repertoire continues to extend at phenomenal rates This month he surprised us when the OH was joking around being a yokel and singing I’ve got a Combine Harvester…and N finished off the next few lines. Where that came from we had no idea, but N told us they were singing it at nursery. O-kaaay.
We’ve been playing
My piano. It’s currently at my mum’s house which we’re trying to sell, and I need to clear out our house so I can move my piano in. I think having it around and hearing me trying to get up to scratch again might encourage N to be more interested and he might want to have a more serious go in a couple of years. He enjoyed playing it, and pretending to take money for his concert when we popped over earlier in the month. I do think where possible, a house should have a piano.
Michael Buble cds. N has worked out how to put music on my old kitchen cd player/radio, and at the moment quite likes to eat his breakfast to music. Michael Buble’s in the player at the moment, so I really should get a few more CDs out so we can have a bit more variety. I think N quite likes the jazzy/crooner music, even the slower tracks that I’d usually fast forward through, he enjoys. It’s lovely to have music on in the background so I must get back to that as he enjoys it so much.
The Linky #MusicExploration
So, over to the Musical Exploration with children linky The aim is to encourage N’s love of music and help him to explore more music than just nursery rhymes and AC/DC. By introducing more music, genres and instruments, I hope his interest in music will continue as he’s introduced to more. This linky is about sharing what we’re listening to, what we’ve discovered along the way, and what tools or activities we find that could be interesting to others.
If you listen to music with your children, or would like to start but want ideas, then you’re in the right place. Do link up below and share the linky with others, as I’d love to get more people involved. If you don’t blog but have something to include, so tag me in a photo on instagram, share on my faceboook page or in the comments below.

Haha they sing The Wurzels at nursery?! That’s brilliant! Your boy is very lucky to get to have a play on a piano, I’d love to have one in our house one day. We have electric keyboard but it’s nowhere near the same. One day, one day…
I do think every house should have a piano. At the moment mine’s at my mum’s house which we’re trying to sell, so it will be in ours at some point…unless the OH gets his hands on it for firewood like he’s threatening.
I was surprised that he said they sang it at nursery. But I guess they’re set on a farm there!