Music Exploration with Children 9 – It’s Christmas
This month has unsurprisingly been all about the Christmas music, although there’s been a bit of CD swapping going on by N. He loves my old kitchen cd player, and he finds random cds in the kitchen drawer and plays them…usually only the first track which really winds me up.
I was hoping to get N to the various children’s cushion concerts again before the end of the year, but in the run up to Christmas the dates clashed, and we can’t make the big January concert either. I have found potential children’s music concerts in Leamington, so I shall have to book for that and get it in the diary now.
I had amazing plans for a musical game brainwave I had but as of yet, I’ve not managed to get it made up and played. I plan to get it added as a link in due course.
This month we’ve been
Listening to….
Christmas carols. Well, it’s the run up to christmas, what else would it be. I couldn’t find my old compilation cd, so had to buy a new one for the car. Only N decided he wanted it in the house to listen to on my old cd player that he’s taken over for himself.
Unfortunately, N has already no-no’d cd 2 and 3 which are the older easy listening tracks. He seems to like the more contemporary pop tracks. Annoyingly though, I think he prefers working the cd player than listening to the different tracks, so I get a lot of War is Over and not a lot else until he leaves the room distracted by something else. I do love the way he decides which songs he likes and dislikes though.
N’s favourite Christmas tracks at age 3:
1. Slade – Merry Christmas Everyone
2. Mariah Carey – All I want for Christmas is you
3. Wizzard – I wish it could be Christmas everyday.
4. Chris Rea – Driving home for Christmas
5. We wish you a merry christmas
Unfortunately my favourites, Shakin’ Stevens and The Pogues are on his ‘no’ list.
On top of the Christmas music, my cds of choice he seems to be playing lots are Imelda May (great choice) for which he does a very amusing dance to, and Michael Buble…but only Cry Me a River. It’s a great dramatic intro, and I think that’s what he loves about it (takes after me).
I say singing, but it’s been a lot of singing at home, and none in his Nativity play, despite him having been singing the songs at home.
N does enjoy singing, but this month he’s really been in his element with all the Christmas music. He’s been singing the recognisable We Wish you a merry Christmas, and When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney, as well as Noisy Nativity which was from the play.
The trombone. Not literally, but pretending. I’m not sure where N’s got the trombone idea from, but he’s spot on with the hand movements, moving the slide, and pursing his lips. It’s so funny to see. Whenever he hears a piece of music and he’s mucking around to it, he’ll all of a sudden put one fist to his mouth to blow into the imaginery mouthpiece, and pump his arm up and down as though he’s playing an instrument.
I’d love to know whether they’ve been talking about brass instruments at nursery music sessions, or whether he’s spotted them on tv. Such a shame we missed the brass cushion concert a couple of weeks ago, because he’d have loved seeing the trombone there. At this this sudden love means I can focus on some specific trombone music to play him – Johnny Briggs theme here we come!
So onto the linky:

I’ve linked up with a post about a concert we went to at Christmas. Great linky, I will be back we love music, but I don’t write about it as much as I should.
My youngest will only listen to Jingle Bells, as you can imagine that drove me a little round the bend. Thanks for joining Linked
The same songs on repeat is enough to drive anyone mad, especially Slade! Love the sound of the trombone playing, our son loves to play air guitar! Hope you had a lovely Christmas.
Air guitar can be very cool (and quiet!). Yes thanks, had a lovely Christmas, hope yours was too
Sorry to hear that you are having to listen to the same tracks over and over again. My two have been learning Jingle Bells and Rock around the Christmas Tree at school so I have heard them a lot, so I feel your pain.
I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot more over the years. It’s nice to hear them sing, but I do have to encourage N to mix it up sometimes!
Wonderful post, always honing musical appreciation with the kids here and they love singing too! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x
Yes, I think it’s so important, and it’s great when they love it too. So nice to hear them singing songs when they’re young. Thanks fro stopping by Vicki
I think it’s really important to expose children to music from an early age – sounds like you’ve got a musical boy on your hands there!
Here’s hoping. He does love it at the moment, so we’ll see how he enjoys it as he grows. thanks for joining in