Party up your life with a hair sparkles experience
I’d never heard about hair sparkles until a few months ago. Hair chalks yes, because I’d tried those years ago at a blogging event that Body Shop came along to. But hair sparkles nothing. Until a couple of work colleagues came in one day with hair tinsel in and there was a bit of excitement around it.
An ex colleague had them herself while in the US, and decided to learn how to put them in properly, so she offered to come in a do a lunchtime session for those who wanted to have hair sparkles put in.
My hair is really fine, hair dye doesn’t take, hair grips easily slip out. But I don’t lose much hair. I thought the sparkles wouldn’t last that long in mine. But for only a small charge, I decided to give it a go. If they lasted until Christmas that would be great, but if not, it would be nice to be a bit different for a while. I’d love to go a bit wacky and dye my hair a very different colour or something really obviously like a red or adding deep purple streaks in, but I wouldn’t dare. Hair tinsel seemed a little less wild and of course, less permanent.

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They look different in everyone’s hair. I chose a mix of silver and bronze – the silver stands out more, and for most people you just see the hair sparkle and glint rather than having obvious strands in their hair. Most people at work noticed, and N spotted them straight away. He wasn’t impressed, saying they were too girly and that they made me look like a young girl!
Although they didn’t last in my hair as long as other people’s (mine lasted just about 3 weeks), I’d have them again. For a quick change – for a party or event, they’re a bit of fun, and they don’t ruin your hair.
What are hair sparkles?
Hair sparkles, or hair tinsel, is just that. Narrow strips of ‘tinsel’ which is actually polyester or silk strands. They come in lots of different colours, from golf and silver, to bright pink, green, multicoloured and more. They’re attached to 1 or 2 hairs to add a bit of sparkle or glitter to your hair.
How is hair tinsel attached?
A strand of hair tinsel is folded over, then tied around a single hair (or 2). It’s then cut to length, and other hair sparkles are added as necessary. Most people will have either a half head of around 5-6 strands, or a full head which tends to be around 10-12. (not a totally full head like a glitter wig as I was imagining!)
How long do hair sparkles last?
The length hair sparkles stay in will depend on the person and type of hair. As the strands are attached to single hairs, if you’re someone who loses a lot of hair, you’re more likely to lose strands. If your hair is fine rather than thick and course, the strands will be harder to attach and more likely to slip out.
It could be weeks or months. Colleagues of mine had some of theirs stay in for around 2-3 months. Whereas I lost 2 within a week due to brushing with a tangle teezer brush which gets every knot out, and then when brushing my hair another day, the hair fell out that it was attached to. The rest have stayed for just about 3 weeks.
Can you use hair products and straighteners or curlers with hair tinsel?
Yes. You can wash, curl, straighten your hair with hair sparkles in, but check what they’re made of. The person who put mine in even dyes her hair when they’re in. If you buy them online make sure you’re buying the heat resistant ones – usually silk, but some sold are polyester.
The worst thing for them is brushing your hair, especially if you’re using a tangle teezer as they’re made for getting out knots. So take care when brushing your hair.
I think they’re a great idea for birthday parties – do them at a girly pamper party for tweens, or even on a stall at a school fete or Christmas fayre.
You can buy hair tinsel* online, and check out this guide to putting in hair sparkles.
Have you ever had hair sparkles? How long did they last for you?
I have heard of these but haven’t really seen them before.
They sound like a lot of fun and something a bit different if you don’t want a big change.
So nice for party season. Mine didn’t last long but everyone at work who had them still had them in a month later (apart from me and 1 other girl who also has really fine hair)