Pass the pigs game review – travel set and giant game
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Games. Love them or hate them, you can’t deny that they can be great for family life. A chance to have some fun, relax (or maybe not if everyone gets competitive), and a way to get all ages involved. For me, the retro games are still the best – especially if you’ve got the old versions still hanging around cupboards. It’s rare that the modern versions are as sturdy as the old ones.
I love reminiscing about the old games we used to play. When we were sent Pass the Pigs to review, it made me smile when I opened it up. My brother and I used to have it and loved playing it, so it’s been nice to play it again and introduce it to N.

We were sent 2 versions of the game. The travel version which is the one I remember but with an updated case, and the giant inflatable garden Pass the Pigs game.
Travel Pass the Pigs game
If you’re not aware of Pass the Pigs, it’s a game that can be played with 2-4 people. Each person takes it in turn to throw or roll the pigs, and you score depending on the position. It seems I was good at rolling the pigs on their backs which N wasn’t impressed about. He kept adding scores to his even though he wasn’t as successful.

The travel game set comes with 2 small pigs, score pad and pencils, and instructions. The case is secure, and is a good size for slipping into a handbag or luggage. N was a big fan of the set, so I can see him bringing it on holiday with us regularly.

Giant Pass the Pigs game
The alternative option for Pass the Pigs is the new giant version. N loved the pigs – he just wanted to cuddle them rather than play, although he did enjoy trying to get them to land on their backs.

This comes in a bag with a scoring pad and pencils again, with the 2 inflatable pigs. It doesn’t take long to inflate them, and they’re not so big that they’d take over a garden. So they’re great for some garden fun in the summer.
What I like about Pass the Pigs (apart from the comedy value of trying to get them into the impossible position on the score card!), is that for children it’s a great way to encourage them to do maths without them realising. N wanted to be the scorer each time, so he was able to practise his 5 times tables.
The giant set would be great for parties or having friends over in the summer outsite.
You can buy the game from the usual toy shops, the Pass the Pigs travel set and the giant Pass the Pigs set.
Frustration great for all the family to play
monopoly fun for all
I have two favourite childhood games, the first is connect four because it was the only game I almost always won! But I always loved playing cards. It was a Sunday afternoon family time thing we did every week.
I used to love playing Simon only because nobody could beat me
Snakes and ladders because it is a fun family game
snakes and ladders as i have memories of playing it with my mum by candle light when there was no electric
We love guess who in our house
Monopoly – it’s a classic and I love all the different versions they bring out
Frustration because it is simple but so frustrating!
Frustration – reminds me times when i was little and paying with my brothers
Astro Wars – hours of fun and I was the best at it!
uno because it’s quick and simple
Loved mousetrap when i was younger
We love connect four. So simple yet a great game to play.
We have an old game called Jaws where you fill the sharks’ mouth up with items and take it in turns to remove them. When it closes, whoever it was that made it shut is the loser. Ours doesn’t work any more, so we do it with dice and still take the items out but whoever rolls a 6 is the loser. 🙂 Looking for another one now that works. 🙂 We also like ROTADRAW although not a game.
I use to love buckaroo when i was young great fun
Monopoly its a classic and fun for a long time
KerPlunk – fantastic game! Hours of fun!
Battleships – i used to love playing it with my Dad
the old mouse trap, i have fond memories of playing this as a child
Connect 4 simple and fun!
Boggle, it gets you thinking and we have challenges to come up with unique words, slang words etc x
Hungry Hippos. It’s fast, furious and fun.
Twister – always lots of fun and gets the kids off their bums!
mouse trap, i still have mine from the 70’s always goes off when it shouldnt and sticks when it should… thats the fun of it
Monopoly, it brings out our competitive streak!
Guess who for us. My daughter loves it and it really gets her to think about questions to ask and boosts her confidence
Has to monopoly but i always get a bit ceazy if i can’t be the dog
Mouse Trap because it was so much fun watching all the parts interact with each other.
I like Guess who as my nieces never tire of playing it and we always have lots of laughs doing so.
Guess who! Loved to play it with my Sister on rainy days x x x
kerplunk is a favourite in our house…..although the amount of marbles have disappeared!
Cluedo, it is a game that doesnt age.
Mouse Trap because I like all the different components
I have a 1980s travel battleships game which we still take with us on holiday
IMlove buckaroo as a child I use to love it wen he kicked his legs ou
We love Monopoly in our house x
I still have Snakes and Ladders and Ludo which were the only board games I had as child. I played with my children and now with my grandchildren. We all love to play them 🙂
I love Monopoly because it’s a great game for a family games night
I loved cleudo – got our old game out the other day and the boys love it too!
Always Monopoly
Tribal pursuit as it’s a classic get together Sunday afternoon family game
I love pacman!
I love the Game of Life, it was sort of like a low-budget The Sims!
Mousetrap – I just love it.
I love Ludo because it reminds me of enjoyable winter afternoons when I was a child.
Snakes and ladders, its simple and my young daughters can play.
one of my favorite games was ker plunk also loved mouse trap and a similar game called haunted house
Ker-Plunk, so many great memories
SImon says ! Electronic game (red, blue, yellow and green buttons) you match the tune/pattern , loved this game as a kid x
I love mousetrap so glad it’s still going strong
Twister – always has us in stitches.
Kerplunk! I loved setting it up and then seeing it destroyed as we pulled out the straws.
Mousetrap, it was great fun setting it up aswell as playing the game
Frustration was a childhood favourite of mine and now my daughters
Hungry Hippos – I loved it!
I love playing our vintage 1973 scrabble set.
I used to love Operation – so much fun!
At the moment my favourite is Happy Families. I found an old pack in a charity shop and there are a couple missing but they are so delightfully non-PC that we are getting a lot of amusement from them 😉
Guess who, I used to love describing all the characters when I played it with my mum and now I do the same with my son.
Monopoly – still love it now!
I loved to play Buckaroo.
I always loved kerplunk was so much fun for all our family
Can’t beat a game of Hungry Hippos!!
Cludeo the original one
guess who still enjoy playing it with my nephews
I still love my rubix cube, still as hard as it was back in my youth
Mouse Trap. The thrill of the chase.
At the moment my 7 year old and 6 year old have just learned to play draughts so loving challenging them to play 🙂
Snap and I always lose
Snakes and ladders because it is suitable for all ages meaning the whole family down to the youngest can join in
connect 4 and its still going strong xx
I like Ludo because it stirs up memories of when I was little
Kerplunk was always my favourite
Would have to be Game of Life 70’s version, reading it now its so non-pc 🙂
Really has to be Cluedo for us 🙂
I love Cludo because I love crime
We love the Orchard Games, Feed the Gorilla is a particular favourite with my boys who like making the gorilla burp (typical boys!)
Mouse trap as it reminds me of all the fun I had as a child
Snakes and ladders is our favourite retro game because it is a game of chance so all the family can win.
Hungry Hippos and Operation!
Guess Who
I’ve always loved the seventies game “Sorry”. Managed to get it at a yard sale and kids love it too!
battleships as its a very exciting game
Monopoly because all four of us play together
Battleships – reminds me of my grandad
Kelly Ellen Hirst
I love monopoly as reminds me of being a kid and playing it with my family
Snakes and Ladders – takes me back to sitting in a caravan on rainy dayswith lots of laughter and steamed up windows
we still love and play Monopoly and scrabble
I love connect 4. It was one of my favourites as a kid.
Mousetrap was my favourite
I love connect four, simple concept but very addictive!
Buckaroo, always so much fun
The Game of Life
Dig in
MouseTrap! because it brings back fond memories of my childhood, and the excitement of days at school when we could bring games in to play with our friends (I never actually owned it myself!)
My kids love mousie mousie, we found it in a charity shop for 50p, best 50p spent ever!
Monopoly as we played it all the time when I was growing up
Simon Says, because it really tests my poor memory!
Ooh it’s got to be kerplunk
Cluedo is one of my favourites or the family favourite is Monopoly
Guess Who, such a great family game
I love Cluedo – different every time!!
I love Ghost Castle – we recently found one in a charity shop. It reminds me so much of my childhood!
I have a game called Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur it’s really fun, don’t think they make it anymore
i love frustration – still love pressing that popamatic button!
We love Cluedo because it is fun to rule characters out one by one and then see if you are right!
I have a 1970s Mouse Trap