Food for thought on healthy eating and pregnancy diet with Aptaclub
When I fell pregnant I’d been on a diet – lots of healthy eating and exercise, and was at my ideal weight. Unfortunately, however much I wanted to eat well, my body was just craving food. No savoury or sweet…just lots of food. Not helped by sitting next to another pregnant woman at work who was suffering the same affliction. I did eat well with junk stuff on top of that, but I can’t help but think that eating less and even more healthily post 7 weeks when I found out, might have prevented me not losing the weight afterwards!
So if you’re pregnant, what should you be eating? Sardines? Raspberries? Curly kale? When thinking about your pregnancy diet it helps to understand how the foods you eat can positively influence your growing baby’s future health. Oily fish, for example, is the richest source of omega 3, which plays an important role in your baby’s rapidly–developing brain.

‘When it comes to fat there’s one type you don’t want to cut back on: omega 3 fatty acids. Maternal stores are depleted in pregnancy and breastfeeding, so it’s more important than ever to enrich your diet with oily fish, seafood, nuts and seeds. Researchers have found that infants born to mothers with higher blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid at delivery had advanced levels of attention spans well into their second year of life. Steer clear of fish oil supplements made from cod liver oil though. Although cod liver oil is a good source of omega 3, it contains amounts of Vitamin A that are potentially toxic during pregnancy’.
Katy Gordon-Smith, Aptaclub nutrition expert, mum-to-be.
Definitely something to think about if you’re not a fish fan, but want to get the right supplements in during pregnancy.
The new Aptaclub website brings together all our nutritional expertise to help you feed your baby’s future. Aptaclub believe nothing is more important than your baby’s and their development. From the moment you decide to have a baby, you can positively influence their future through your diet – before and during pregnancy. So to help give you the information for your baby’s long-term health, the website is packed with early life nutrition expert advice and information.

Focus on today to shape their tomorrow
As a mum-to-be, you want to do all you can to ensure your baby is healthy and reaches their full potential. But there’s so much to learn and the amount of information out there can be overwhelming or even a little confusing. To make things as simple for you as possible, the new Aptaclub site has been completely redesigned to let you explore pregnancy nutrition in an accessible and easy to digest way – on your PC, tablet or mobile.
The early life nutrition team includes nutritionists and scientists, all committed to helping you understand how your diet from pre-conception and throughout pregnancy can influence your baby’s future health. Even after you’ve had your baby, the early life nutrition expertise will support you through breastfeeding, weaning and toddlerhood feeding.
Over the past few months the Aptaclub experts been busily preparing a wealth of articles with information and essential tips for you, including:
* Early life nutrition expertise to help you understand how to influence your baby’s future health through nutrition, from conception and pregnancy to toddlerhood.
* Insights into your baby’s development, revealing how nutrition plays a role in their growth and development – both during pregnancy and in the future.
* Practical help with feeding your baby to help you prepare for and manage the practicalities of feeding your baby or toddler.
The new website is now up and running and ready to explore, but if you’d like to receive Aptaclub expertise relevant to your stage of pregnancy delivered straight to your inbox, it only takes a moment to sign up to the babyclub (I know I signed up for anything and everything when I was pregnant. I like to be well informed).
With all the advice given to pregnant women from well-meaning family and friends, sometimes you just want some expert advice and the Aptaclub expert team are readily available to answer your pregnancy nutrition and baby feeding questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call them on 0800 996 1000, email, or use live chat.
Are you pregnant now – what’s your pregnancy diet like? Or how did you eat during your past pregnancy?
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
I just ate the same really, but had to eat a punnet of strawberries every day. Good job I had a constant supply on tap!
Lucky. I didn’t have any cravings, but just wanted food all the time. Obviously where N’s got it from!
I’m the same. I will sign up for anything to get more information and keep myself well informed. I don’t think I ever eat properly while pregnant as I always eat what ever I like. Naughty!
That’s so me. At least I was exercising alongside eating, but I did put on close to 5 stone which is insane. Dropped 2.5 of that straight away, but then put it back on the 3 years since.