Project 365 2015 – week 2 photo a day

It’s week 2 of the year and week 2 of Project 365. After doing so well last year, I’ve really been struggling this week. How rubbish is that?! So some lame photos.  It’s just been a really horrendous work week, so no chance to get out at lunchtimes, and then busy in the evenings so there’s not been much chance to take photos.

Here’s a snippet of what we’ve been up to:

Sunday was the first birthday party of the year for N to go to.  The party theme was cowgirl/cowboy and I think N’s favourite part was the gold panning.  He said he loved it all, but I think he could have spent all day panning for gold

gold panning party idea

Monday was a manic work day start to the year, and back to nursery for N. He’s been getting a bit narky sometimes, wanting attention, and not doing as asked.  Not helpful when I’m trying to get things done, so I said he could watch tractors stuck in the mud on YouTube. Big mistake, because every evening he’s wanted to watch some but luckily the tablet just about manages on our broadband speed, so I can still have access to my laptop.

Preschooler discovering YouTube

Tuesday was a non-existent photo day.  Actually I did take a few, but they were mainly of colours or weird items just to practice my shots.  So when I looked at my phone and realised I had no ‘normal’ photos, there was only time to grab a photo of N sleeping…and looking very angelic in his sleep.

sleeping like an angel

More grainy photos.  On Wenesday morning I was just rushing too much to get a decent shot (or pick up my camera rather than my phone!).  N was just pulling stupid faces, and snuggling with Jesse the bear and his blanket.

snuggling in bed with teddies

Thursday, and N seemed to have got out all of his toys.  I was just snapping away while he was handing out lions and tigers to me. I love how his cheeky smile is in evidence.

offering his toys up


Friday was the day I received the cushion covers I won in Glass Half Full‘s competition recently. I love the design and colourway I chose, and it’s great that they’re an ethical company, who support people in developing counties to work and use their trade.  Now I just new sofas to put them on.

glass half full cushion cover competition win

Today, Saturday and again I’ve been snapping away while N plays.  He had a party today, but it was on a party bus, so not really photo friendly. This morning, N had persuaded me to buy him a Gruffalo sleepsuit/onesie in the Sainsbury’s Tu sale, but as he was getting changed into it, something grasped his attention on the tv and he stood for ages, half undressed! Nothing like sticking his tummy out.

getting undressed

You can see what everyone else has been up to over at The Boy and Me.
TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

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  1. Oh those covers look fab and its great that they are an ethical company.

    What is it with kids and getting half undressed lol. Bee likes to do it too!

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