Project 365 photo a day – week 33
Well it was the week of the supermoon, so needless to say one of my photos from my project 365 photo a day this week is the moon.
It’s the first time I’ve managed to actually take a decent photo of it. There was me frantically trying to set up my joby gorillapod*, and attempt some manual settings (after checking online before heading off to photography it). It came out pretty well, although I’ve no idea which settings actually worked! This was Monday’s photo.

It was a quiet photo week, with me not really getting out at lunchtimes to see anything to photograph. The office isn’t really conducive to pretty photos.

Sunday – an ear of corn on the grass. This must have been dropped from the bales at the show the day before and hadn’t blown away. We do get a lot of farm bits brought into the house, so it was good this one stayed outside.
Monday – Supermoon
Tuesday – this was a clashing clothes day. N had a strop and refused to wear the t-shirt I left out for him. Instead he wanted an oversized red one, that clashed with his trousers. Sign of things to come.
Wednesday – all of a sudden N seems so much more grown up, more mature in his language, and seems to have shot up. He’s grown 2 cm in the last couple of months which would explain the continuous eating and extreme tiredness. He’s definitely growing out of his baby ride ons.
Thursday – he might be taller, but he’s still some way off reaching the car pedals, thankfully! He loves trying to drive the car, but it means mucky footsteps across the seats as he climbs over, and I’ve already lost one new phone car charger, so I’m going to have to put a stop to it!
Friday – I just can’t believe how much N eats. He came home from nursery at 3ish, having eaten 2 lots of lunch. Then took a brioche as a snack at 4pm (wanting a second which was refused), then had a huge ‘mini’ fish and chips an hour later. He’s never eaten a whole mini fish before, and then wanted more chips afterwards. Oh and had a yoghurt for pudding. Definitely a growth spurt.
Saturday – after the country show we went to, we had to stop for some bits at the nearest village shop. Bizarrely N wanted to take not only his Peter Rabbit with us, but also a ‘buggy’ to pull him in. I suppose being a child is one of the only times you can get away with strange habits like this.
I love the quirky nature of children, they can get away with so much that’s not accepted in adults.
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
Thanks. All a bit of a fluke, tried 2 nights, but the second one was a bit more cloudy and windy so trees kept getting in the way!
Def sounds like you have a toddler on your hands there – not worth fighting over the clashing clothes in my opinion as you’ve discovered! Your moon picture is quite something, it managed to bypass me altogether. Amazing shot.
I blame the OH for this one really. He should have got out 2 t shirts as an option, that both matched. But I guess N was happy and not bothered.
The moon pics were my first proper attempts using manual. Still think it was a bit of a fluke as I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing but they came out well. Really should get my mum’s DSLR out and learn to use that properly!