Project 365: photo a day week 47
We’re counting down towards the end of the year, and it’s been a bit of a funny week. I’m still struggling to remember to take photos…minimal one day, then masses the next. So here’s our week in photos.
Sunday we went to Blenheim Palace to check out the Christmas decorations, then headed back and had to do a roast. N wanted to help peel potatoes. He’s pretty good at it now, but blimey, he takes a long time. The face of concentration.

Monday meant it was time to choose N’s nursery photos, if any. Ok, so I didn’t take the photo, but I think it still fits. I wasn’t pleased when I saw the photos. As requested, I sent in different clothes for him to change into (especially as their photos weren’t until later in the day), but when I got the proofs back, he was still in his original clothes. Out of 4 poses, 3 had a fake closed mouth smile. This was the 4th, and it’s the best because it’s more thoughtful and moody so still looks more like N. I couldn’t believe he’d got his Tiger (who came to tea) in the photo though!

There’ve been some beautiful sunrises, and as I’ve been getting up a little later, I did manage to get this one on Tuesday. It’s interesting trying to get my arm outside the bedroom window, while leaning over the chest of drawers, and without dropping my phone. I do love the photo with the tree silhouetted.

I thought I’d got a decent photo of N pratting around on Wednesday morning, but it appears not. Damn, as they would have been great photos. He’d been to get his umbrella, and was pretending he was a snail. Nuts, but very funny.

Thursday and it was day 2 of the OH’s mad decluttering and cleaning spree. Usually I go away for a few days, then return to find lots of my stuff in bin bags ready to be chucked. Thankfully this time I was around, so I could rescue things he was being extreme with. We now have a tidy and clear (ignore the shelves though) kitchen, a tidy and mostly empty utility room and a larder with not much on the floor. The only issue is that he moved the kettle over to a random place and all the cooking utensils have been put in a drawer. Why? Neither are within reaching distance of the Aga or cooker. Grr. Still, it is nice to have a clean kitchen again. Hopefully it’ll stay relatively tidy until at least the new year. I’ve since moved onto the dining room play room, although I’ve not managed to get rid of much in the way of toys or books, and my wardrobe.

Friday I was trying to get rid of some of N’s toys. N found his santa hat and the children’s bug ‘twister’ game. I wanted to deflate the dice to pack them away, but N wanted to try and blow them up. The hat only just fits him from 2 years ago, but he did still look cute wearing it.

Saturday was a chore day. Spot of shopping in town, then a swimming lesson. When we got back to the farm N spotted his dad in the yard, so we had to go out and see what the men were doing so N could hang around with them. As soon as we put on wellies or walking boots, the dogs are there wanting to hang around in hope of a walk. I was really pleased with several of the photos we took of the OH’s labrador. Mostly, being black, photos don’t tend to come out that well. I might even make it into a big print to frame as a Christmas or birthday present.

What did you get up to this week?
Love the photo of N peeling the potatoes! I laughed at the thought of you trying to take photos out of the window 🙂
I really need one of those selfie sticks to be able to do them more easily…in fact I spotted one in the new Home Bargains in town for £7.99!
I also hang out of windows to take snaps sometime! Love how you have your own personal potato peeler – I mus train my kiddos up!
I recommend it – keeps them quiet and focused for a long time