Project 366 2015 week 38
Onto week 38 of Project 366.
On Sunday, I left N at home with his dad and went to a friend’s 40th party bbq. Yes, this year is the 40th, and this was 40th party number 2 of the year. This week has been week of the birthday parcels with my best friend also turning 40…except hers wasn’t as easy to get to her. One awkward shaped resent meant Royal Mail were going to charge £9 for 1st class, so refusing to pay that meant it would be a day late going via courier for half the price. No wonder Royal Mail are struggling – I really want to support our local post office which fought to stay open, but when I can pay half the price and get insurance cover and tracking, it’s a no-brainer. Only a day late, but hopefully my friend will understand and she gets to spread her birthday out longer.

On Monday I nipped out to the supermarket. The trees in our Sainsbury’s aways seem to turn red before most of the others in the area. Autumn’s definitely happening despite the warm weather.

On Tuesday I spotted this farm cat. It’s been sitting under the virginia creeper at the farmhouse every evening this week. Birds must have a nest near the top, because its obviously waiting for one to fall. So far they’re safe.

The bonus about early autumn, is getting to see both the sunrise and sunset. This was Wednesday morning, that hazy pastel autumn sunrise over the fields on my way to work.

On Thursday I went to see a production by the Yorke Dance Project at our local arts centre. They’re doing a dance season, and I got press tickets with the intention of writing it up for my dance blog. I took along a friend from my previous ceroc dancing days who lives fairly locally. We had a great time catching up, and the performance which included the world premier for one piece was excellent.

On Friday, it was N’s tennis lesson at the club again. There’s no escaping the playground on the way back to the car, and N just had to repeat his new favourite trick time and time again.

At the weekend we didn’t do much, but on Saturday N really wanted to go to the park so he could ride his bike. Once back at the farm he went out with his dad to work, but turned up with his youngest cousin in tow to play. Football’s always a game they have to play (after giving up on tennis). The pair of them always insist on taking their tops off to play. I was really pleased with some of the action shots I got of them playing.

Love that N has to take his top off to play football!
I’ve never thought about using a courier for a parcel and hadn’t realised they were so much cheaper than Royal Mail.
The dance performance sounds lovely.
For small parcels it’s cheap with Royal Mail, it’s just when it gets bigger and awkward shaped it jumps up massively. And special delivery is disgustingly priced. It’s just working out couriers and getting my printer to work is always such a process before you even get to drop it off.
Love the two action shots! The leaves are starting to turn here too 🙂 Beautiful sunrise x
Thanks Sara. I love autumn coming but it’s certainly coming in slowly here (apart from the darker evenings at 7pm!
I am in agreement with the cost of posting parcels, I changed to myhermes a few years back now and use them whenever I have a parcel to send.
Nice to see him still getting out after school, and chuckled at them taking their tops off.
I think small standard sized parcels are cheap to post Royal Mail, and easier for me to get to a post office when I’m at work, than having to get in the car and drive 7 miles into town to post via courier. But anything more unusual in shape or size are a nightmare.
i envy you having autumn, it must be wonderful to see so much colour around you. Love the photograph of the sunrise
Thanks. It must be strange not getting seasons like we do here.
The cat is obviously very patient. Good to see plenty of outdoor fun. Hope your friend enjoyed her present.