irregular choice shoe window display

Project 366 2016 week 7 – Lego, Irregular Choice and days out

It’s week 7 of Project 366, and it involved quite a bit of half term fun.

This half term break came round so quickly after Christmas, it felt like they’d hardly been back at school for any decent length of time.  But it’s always nice to have a few days off – N spent 2 days with his dad on the farm, then I had 3 days off with him.

We managed to get out for our first proper day out of the year. Most to date in 2016 have involved the park rather than specifically going anywhere, so it was nice to get out and do something.

On Sunday, we didn’t get up to much.  It was a really chilled out day at home, well as chilled as it can be, and involved some Lego building.  I got all excited about N’s tractor on the left…until he told me his uncle made it for him. Talk about lazy Lego building.  Or maybe just a delegator in the making.  He likes the quad bike I made, although they never stay build and intact for long with him around.

lego creations

On Monday I was back at work, but N’s been playing his ukelele quite a bit recently.  Just strumming, but he does love getting it out for a play.  The piano’s also had a tinkle too – I’ll probably start thinking about getting him booked in for music lessons ready for next year.  Hopefully he’ll be able to do an instrument next year, usually they say everyone from year 2 who wants to learn can, anyone younger needs to wait for spaces if they’re already fully booked.

playing ukelele

On Tuesday, it was another work day, so I didn’t take many photos.  This was sunrise from the bedroom which was pretty special as I don’t see many of them at the time they are at the moment.

sunrise over the farm

On Wednesday I went to a different dance venue because my regular one has closed down.  The venue was nice, but there weren’t enough men to dance with for my liking – too many girls dancing as leaders which I don’t mind in class but don’t want to do in freestyle out of choice.  It was good to catch up with some old friends from the old classes I used to go to.  I was parked near a bridal and couture boutique, and their window displays were really pretty – including these stunning Irregular Choice shoes.

irregular choice shoe window display

On Thursday morning we headed to a friend’s house for a playdate and catch up.  It’s funny to watch N and the little girl play.  There are nearly 6 months between them, and being boy and girl it’s noticeable how they don’t just get stuck in together like N might do with a boy.  They did colouring and drawing together first of all, then we suggested they make an obstacle course for some vehicle races which they enjoyed, then hide and seek.  Followed by a bit of story time with us mums having to read to them.

play obstacle course

On Friday it was a really bright morning and I’d planned to take N to Stowe for a walk round, and hopefully catch up with some of the NCT girls.  It didn’t happen when N refused to go to Stowe, so instead we headed over towards Aylesbury and Bicester to try out the Green Dragon Eco Farm.  Play wise, it’s brilliant and N was in his element, the farm part is ok once N agreed to leave the play area and stop moaning about his aching legs.  But the food choice was very disappointing – a shame, because it did put a dampener our morning there.  I’ll be writing up our visit in the next week or so.

sandpit play at green dragon farm

Saturday was mostly another chill out day. N went out on the farm, while I headed into town to do some jobs I needed to sort out.  After lunch, N had some Youtube time sitting in the living room with me – his little cheeks were really rosy…he assured me it was just the heat of the fire.  Why he doesn’t take his jumper off when he’s warm I don’t know!  He looks like my little pixie when he’s got his hoods up.

red cheeks from the fire

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  1. Sounds like a lovely week, I was really jealous of everyone who had half term last week as ours was the week before and very wet! I’d love a pair of Irregular Choice shoes, even though I would never be able to wear them now. Cheeky Chap also insists on having his hood up at all times, so much so I try my hardest to not let him wear clothes with hoods now, it really annoys me when we are indoors!

  2. Looks like N will develop a talent in music. He looks very content and happy. I’m sure he’ll take on another instrument to play.

    1. Thanks. Yes the shoes are pretty amazing. I’ve never been that excited by their standard ranges before, but these wedding ones are beautiful. Works of art.

  3. Sounds like a packed week! Nice to have time together even if the space between went quickly! To me, Christmas seems like an eternity ago and half term was over WAY too quick.

    Love irregular choice shoes – I plan on getting an outrageous pair to make going back to work more enjoyable next August!

  4. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your boy! I know what you mean about the Winter break (that’s what we call it here in the States). The were barely back a month when they already had a week off. I don’t understand Winter break and my boys were stuck inside most of the week because we had below freezing temperatures here but I did manage to get them out by the end of it. We had a pretty chilled week though. Popping over from #bloggerclubuk Facebook

  5. Looks like a lovely week 🙂 I love Irregular Choice shoes! Amazing sunrise to capture. Boys and keeping jumpers on when warm…my husband still does this!! I hope instrument lessons work out for you and him, it’s great learning one especially if they willingly pick up to practice but I’m biased lol. Music Degree and now a Music Therapist…all started from learning a recorder at age 5 🙂

  6. sounds like you had a lovely week. My two boys always get red cheeks especially when they are hot, cold or have a cold!
    I love the photo of him playing on the sand digger – very cool
    that window display with the shoes is fab – very striking x

  7. Oh those rosy cheeks! The landscape is beautiful. We had a lot of Lego construction going this midterm break week as well. Not looking forward to getting up early again tomorrow, sigh.

  8. I love half term and am sad it’s over! Five weeks until Easter! Sounds like you’ve been busy – I love your comment about not enough men to dance with!

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