Project 366 2016 week 28 – last week of school
It’s week 28 of Project 366, and while everyone’s still bemoaning the fact that weve not had a summer, it’s still been warm enough to get outside. But this week has mostly been about the box.
Yes, simple pleasures for a 5 year old. A huge cardboard box, some pens and a tablet for entertainment.
It’s also been the final week of school for us. Our camping trip for this year approached, and N is so excited.
On Sunday, my brother and I had been sorting out the jewellery I’d been let by our nan. I’ve chosen a couple of the rings to keep, but most of it is costume jewellery which I just won’t wear. So my brother checked and tested for the gold which we’ll send off to a jewellery, put the silver into his metal detecting haul to help tot it up. And the rest will be charity shopped or chucked if it’s broken. But N’s not letting it go. He’s been playing with it as treasure.

On Monday, N came home from after school tennis with a referral letter to the club programme. When I suggested that maybe he join it prior to the letter, he turned his nose up and said he’d wait for tennis club at school to start again in the summer. But now he’s only 1 of 2 of them who had a letter, he’s excited and wants to join. Luckily there’s a session that works for us, on the only day I pick him up from school.

On Tuesday, it was handbell morning. N’s always quite thoughtful over playing music, and despite the number of bells he was playing with, it didn’t sound bad. The bonus was that that day, there was no wanting to watch YouTube. He was just happy playing.
On Wednesdaa I spotted the sun streaming through the flowers. Usually we have a variety of flowers growing but so far this year, these are the only type in the wall that are growing.

On Thursday after school, N had the offer to go out with his dad on the farm. Of course he wasn’t going to turn that down, even though he really needs to concentrate on his reading book after school. He was happily waving from the back as they drove off.

On Friday it was N’s last day in reception. He’s really enjoyed his first year at school, and has learnt lots, but still has some way to go at writing in particular. But I was very proud of him because he wrote out both the teacher’s and teaching assistant’s cards, without copying. Now I just need to get him doing it with the confidence to just give it a go without having to check the letters with me first.
On Saturday, N refused to come with me to Oxford as the farm was calling, so I went off of my own to meet Mary and Monkey from Over 40 and a mum to one. We were both trying out the revamped Oxford Castle cafe for a review. Oxford looks wonderful at any time, but in the sun and warm weather, it’s beautiful. I love the effect these buildings on Cornmarket have, looking curved.

Well done to N on getting invited to join the tennis school and love the photo of him helping his dad out on the farm. Hope you are having a wonderful summer holiday 🙂
Farm sounds a much better prospect to a small boy rather than reading or Oxford. A huge well done on being chosen for tennis school, a great honour.
handbells are great especially for education children about pitch.
handbells are great especially for education children about pitch.
Oxford certainly does look beautiful. Well done to N for everything he has achieved in Reception – it sounds like he’s made really good progress.