Project 52 2018 week 31 – Countryfile Live
It’s week 31 of Project 52, and the second week of the school holidays. I’ve been despairing because N’s been with his dad, which means being out on the farm from 7.30ish in the morning until around tea time.
But then he’s been going back out again afterwards because….well, combining is going on. So he has to go and find one to sit on, and this week drive. Yes, this week he drove a brand new New Holland combine harvester that’s worth the price of a 2 bedroom house round here. He thinks we should buy one, but it’d only get used for 3 weeks of a year, if that, and we just get other people to do the combining of any of our fields while we do the baling etc.
I’ve had work all week and it’s been frantic as I just had the one week to catch up, chase everyone for actions and progress, and prepare for having a week off again, handing over new tasks to a colleague.
We finished off the week with a day out at Countryfile Live. Phew, it was a scorcher at around 29C. Too hot for me and even N was flagging by the end. This week’s shot was taken at the top of the Ferris Wheel overlooking the show.

Wow what a view. That is truly stunning. It’s not that warm here, so I’d quite like some more sunshine x
Thats a great view of it, I wish they still had the viewing tower from the first year #365
I hate this weather, and try to hide at home. Never been to Countryfile show, but it sounds like a great event, if you’re in the business, or just enjoy this kind of shows.
there’s so much stuff going on and i feel i’m missing out, not having kids
I suppose working on the farm is better than being stuck on a screen all day long.
Totally agree with bringing in the help for harvesting.
Great angle for the photo.
Hi Emma, farming sounds like an expensive business if you want to own the gear! It must have been fun looking over the Countryfile Live show, seeing what you could.
What a fantastic view!
That would have been too hot for me too x
Great shot from up there – you have a great view!
N has a lot of energy to put in full days like that on the farm. Hope you can tear him away now and again this summer like your Countryfile Live trip.
29 is far too hot! I’d have shrivelled into a prune haha! #MySundayPhoto
Blimey – it looks hot even from the top of the Ferris wheel! Good luck preventing your hubby buying the combine harvester haha #MySundayPhoto
what a great idea to get a shot from the ferris wheel. Looks very atmospheric and you can certainly see how sunny it was. #mysundayphoto
29 degrees would be too hot for me too! It sounds like N has had a very busy week on the farm.
It’s been a hot day to be out and about – too hot for my liking too. I spent the afternoon outside at a sports tournament and it was too hot just watching, never mind actually playing!