Project 52 2019 week 12 – spring equinox sunset
Week 21 of Project 52 has been quite busy. Mostly for N rather than myself but obviously I’m the taxi driver so, it’s busy for us all.
On Sunday it was a tennis day, the last of their winter (spring) mini league matches. They all had a really good time, N won all 3 of his matches, and the others in our team won either 2 or 3 matches. We’re still waiting on them to publish the result online, but by my calculations, even though we didn’t have a girl, because we wont so many, we should have still won. So we could have come 2nd in the league too, so a real boost for the boys. Roll on the summer league now which is coming together in organisation.
Monday was work and school. Works has been busy the last few week as we’re trying to close off projects and get invoices in for the work in time for year end. N had a dentist appointment. Usually we go to the strictest dentist who always gives a bit of a lecture and is a bit scary. This time it was a man, and N was in and out within 3 minutes with no questions or advice at all. Phew, taking him to the dentist is more worrying than me going.
Tuesday and Wednesday didn’t have anything unusual happen. More of the same.
N was most put out on Thursday because they’re now doing music lessons with the year 2s. Supposedly they were doing a music quiz – I couldn’t get much more information about what, but he decided the teams weren’t fair because some people have instrumental lessons so would have an advantage. He seems to forget that I offered him to have music lessons but he refused several times. In choir they don’t learn by the music, just by the words, so he’s only learning bits from their recorder lessons.
Friday came around quickly. He wangled some sponsorship money out of his uncle and me for a school sponsored read they’re doing. I’m not convinced it’s going to encourage him to read, as a week since he brought the form home, he’s still not read more than a few chapters. I had been hopeful!
Saturday N’s swimming lesson was a tough one. They had the full length of the pool which is good but they’re not used to more than 20 metres. Their usual teacher was away, so they had his school swimming teacher instead. And she made them work hard. 4 lengths – crawl, back, breaststroke and their favourite to start before they worked on crawl. Then some work on butterfly. None of their class is likely to move up next term (stage 6 after them is full, and seem so much stronger than the kids in N’s class), and looking at N’s old stage 4 class I don’t think any are anywhere near N was when he moved up. So I think their class will stay the same next term unless others move day. It’s a great class because there’s only 5 of them, but mostly only 3-4 turn up so they get lots of one on one attention.
We then headed to school to help out with the PTA car wash. My car was washed too – looks very shiny and clean now. But crikey it feels awkward having your car washed by people when you’re inside. I was on the gate taking money, then did a bit of drying and a bit of the wash station too. It worked really well, N loved being on the drying station, and hopefully we made a decent amount of money. The weather was beautiful which was lucky too.
This week’s photo was taken on the spring equinox sunset, looking into the paddock behind the garden. Spring is here, clocks go forward next weekend, and longer days are on the way.

It’s a lovely picture. Sounds like the swimming lessons are going well. H is in a small group for his too and that works really well.
With a 2 year old I am not looking forward to the clocks changing! Sounds like the car wash was very successful hope they made a good amount of money. Fingers crossed for the tennis sounds like they did really well.
I wonder whether the dentist was really value for money! Sounds odd to be sent away with no information as to how to keep your teeth clean #365
Well done with the tennis. It sounds like N did really well.
The PTA car wash sounds like a lot of fun. What a great way to raise some money for the school.
What a pretty sunset. x
Well done on the tennis, he must be really pleased with himself. The car wash sounds like a fun fund raising idea #365
i do wish dentists would be a little kinder in their approach to nervous patients and especially children, well done to N on his tennis matches, lets hope the summer is dry enough for he to play outside as much as possible
What a beautiful landscape, with amazing sky colours.
Well done to N for winning 3 matches!
I hate dentists who lecture. It’s already stressful to go visiting them, why do they think it makes it easier/better to lecture you as well.
What a beautiful photo. I’m loving the longer days. Well done to N and his tennis team! Swimming sounds like hard work, but it must be nice for him to have such a small class.
Having a small swimming class is brilliant after having 9 children who pretty much turned up every week in the last level. He’s really enjoying it which is brilliant compared to what he was like in baby swimming.