Project 52 2019 week 15 – fritillary
The year is marching on with the first week of the Easter holidays for N. I was still at work, while he spent the days mostly out on the farm with his dad, or playing with his cousin or at the farmhouse. He was a bit bored though because he doesn’t like going out on the tractor all the time.
Sunday was a morning spent doing the Easter trail at Waterperry Gardens. I’ve not been for 9 years so it was nice to see how different it is, and enjoy a walk with N. The fritillary meadow is lovely, and that’s where this week’s Project 52 photo was taken.

The rest of the week has been fairly relaxing at work with lots of people off on leave. It’s pretty unusual having no meetings all week!
We’re prepping for a few days away, and panicking about what N and I will be wearing for wedding vow renewal ceremony we’re going to at the weekend. I had thought I’d got some new linen trousers, but tried them on to find they’re miles too big round the stomach (odd, given how tight the next size down are). Then I needed new smarter shoes but couldn’t find any that wouldn’t be painful. I don’t have a smart coat to wear, so I’m hoping the weather will be warmer. And we gave up trying to find N a pair of shoes that were suitable – that weren’t trainers or school shoes. So he’ll be going in his smartest trainers and hopefully won’t look too scruffy.
A problem I have trying to go anywhere is lack of decent clothing. to wear, and not really much point in buying N a pair of shoes he will not wear again.
Nice to go back and look at somewhere you have not been in a while and see the changes
The Easter trail at Waterperry Gardens has me keen to visit #365
The flower is so pretty! Had seen them before but did’t know what they were called!
Trainers can look pretty smart too!
What a lovely flower, that is so pretty. It has been so cold recently, dry, but cold. I hope you get warmer weather for the ceremony xx #365
We saw loads of these at Stowe yesterday, don’t remember seeing so many n one area before. Not been to Waterperry since I was pregnant #365
Same, I was 7 weeks pregnant I think and we’d not told anyone yet. And I met up with a friend who was 3 months ahead. So weird that she announced hers, but I couldn’t.
Good luck sorting out the clothing for you and N for the wedding renewal
My younger one moans that he’s bored as well, but I tell him he needs to entertain himself with books, films etc, as we can’t be doing things every day.
I love fritllaries, they are exquisite.
Hope you find something to wear for the vows renewal. It can be such a palaver to find something formal and elegant but also comfy. Smart trainers for N all the way!
Quite a few of the kids there were in trainers, including the kids of those who’s renewal it was (converse boots with their suits).
What a pretty flower!
Good luck with finding some new clothes!
Thanks Kim. Annoyingly I’ve got tonnes of clothes (including some nice dresses), but none of it fits, and I hate dresses as I get one fat ankle and different sized legs thanks to a previous DVT.
That is a beautiful flower. I can relate to kids getting bored in the holidays while their mum works, as I get that with my daughter too. I hope the weather is kind to you for the ceremony and you don’t freeze without a coat! I’m still running in full length leggings and a coat, but I need to be in my charity vest in only three weeks for the marathon!
It’s deceptive, sometimes looks lovely, but then is colder than you think. But I go out in a coat, then boil