Project 52 2019 week 7 – sunset view
The final week of the half term run up, and it’s been a more relaxing one at work. The weather’s also been looking up, with some foggy mornings which have cleared to beautiful warm spring like days. More of those wanted please Mother Nature.
Here’s week 7 of Project 52 this year.
Sunday was N’s second team tennis match of the season. His expectation had been that they would win as they won the matches they played against the same team before Christmas. But ours had a slightly different team. N was playing doubles with a different friend instead of his usual partner, and they all were off their game. A disappointment for them, and a good lesson that things won’t always go the same way as last time. Hopefully they’ll have a good win against the last team – they should, but you never know.
The school week was a mix of normal lessons, sessions on online safety, and a non-uniform fundraising day on Friday to finish the week. N’s tennis lesson was cancelled on Tuesday due to the coach being ill and it was set up again for Thursday. N was worried because Thursdays are choir and if they miss it, they get a mark against their name. If they get a few marks, they’re out for the rest of the term. Thankfully it didn’t come to that because the choir mistress couldn’t come to school that day. Lucky boy.
He was inspired by his tennis coach because he was learning how to spin the ball. Evidently it was like a science lesson rather than tennis.
The week ended with N’s swimming lesson in the morning, then an hour playing tennis at his club to practice using orange balls. He’s meant to be playing in a mini red match play tournament on Sunday, but there are no other red entries. So they’ve said he can play up in the lower orange group. I thought he shouldn’t do it – kids a year older, he’s never used those balls or played on that court size, but he wanted to.
He did ok playing with me and his uncle with the different blls. So if he’s enthusiastic and doesn’t get demoralised if he struggles, then it’s good match practice. The hour playing nearly killed me as I’m so unfit, even though my brother and I switched in with each other, then doing ballboy duties. But it felt good playing tennis again.
This week’s photo was a sunset view overlooking Banbury from our office.

Hope the tennis tournament went well! It always helps when they feel inspired by their coaches!
That is a lovely view!
the tennis coach sounds fun with teaching them to spin the ball. It’s been much milder here in the Uk than I thought it would be, last year we were bracing ourselves for the snow
I hope the tennis went well. I didn’t realised that you played as well? I also hope the weather stays nice for the rest of the half term. Hope N is fully recovered and you can make the most of it and go out exploring x
Well, I’ve not played tennis in 20 years (with a lot of squash in between), so I can hardly hit a ball, certainly not a serve. I had planned to get back into it, but I’m so unfit and not sure I’d fit it in.
Your lad certainly appears to do lots of sports. Loving how positive the weather has been looking. #365
He only does 1 (tennis) for out of school/club. The swimming is a must do for safety/learning to swim. And multisports is a school club. He won’t try any others.
Hope the tennis tournament went well. Such a lovely view you have from your office and what a sky. #365
that is sport for you, the results are unpredictable and I think it is good that they learn they cannot always win….Andy Murray lost a good many games before he made it big.
I think an hour playing would have finished me off for good….lol
Hope the tennis tournament goes well today. I’m glad to be seeing signs of spring too.
The weather was such a mix of sunny warm days with frosty misty mornings.
Sorry N was disappointed not to win at tennis match. In a way, it’s good to know that you cannot always be on the winning side, albeit frustrating. Nobody likes to lose.
Learning how to spin a ball sounds great fun.
Beautiful sunset over Banbury.
I hope the tennis tournament goes well for N! My son is used to losing games he thinks he should win, but in football. They can thrash a team on one fixture and then get thrashed on the return fixture.
The weather this week has been lovely, hasn’t it? I would be very happy if winter was over now.
The weather has really been looking up hasn’t it! I am so pleased. I hate the cold. What a lovely view from your office.