Project 52 2021 week 21 – view of the cross
This week has finally seen the end of the rain and start of the warmer weather. It’s needed for us and for the fields. Covid wise, cases are increasing thanks to hotspots and the Indian variant. Restrictions lifting in June might not happen (I always said to totally lift then would be too soon). It’s a wait and see situation.
Here’s this week’s Project 52 round up.
On Sunday the OH went for his 2nd covid jab, it was brought forward 3 weeks, and his brother had his too. Just the 2 sister in laws and my brother, then the over 18 nephews, and we’re all done in the family. N played tennis in the morning – the children really enjoy the casual club morning. The ones who play in the teams do a bit of doubles, and play some mix in tennis games.
Monday was back to work and school. I’ve spend much of the last week mopping up and trying to backtrack on processes that have been missed out. It’s just been so busy at the moment with no sign of stopping.
On Tuesday it was more of the same. N gets home from school and mostly nowadays he wants to have a chill out time before tea. It means he doesn’t get his homework done at a reasonable. It doesn’t help that the OH then offers to take him out on the farm. He gets it done in the end though.
Wednesday I was back out packing up clothes for dropping off to post. My selling on Vinted is still doing well, although I’ve still got a pile of my clothes to put on there. Driving out to drop off parcels is great – across countryside, I love to drive and get that feeling of freedom again. Wednesdays are a mad sports day for N – he did hockey and dance at school, and then had his tennis lesson in the evening.
On Thursday I was frantically trying to get everything out of the way inbetween meetings. Being on leave the following week always means a busy week the time before. N was getting excited because his friend’s postponed glamping party was the next day.
Friday I managed to get everything I had to get out done. Apart from one thing that I needed from someone else who’d gone on leave dumping me with everything. I’ve handed that over to someone else.thankfully. End of half term already, and N’s come home with a story writing compeition they have to enter. As well as preparing for their key stage 2 performance. Evidently he’s a the performance.
N packed all his stuff up in the morning, then after school I took him down the road to his friend’s party. They had bell tents to sleep in, a fire, proper toilets, and lots of fun. Plus a chance to speak to friends who aren’t in his mini bubble at school. It was so strange not having him at home. The only time usually he stays overnight elsewhere is if we’re going out. Instead we just stayed at home. We probably talked more over dinner than we have done in so long.
Saturday I had an early optician’s appointment so the OH had to pick up N. Turns out they’d gone to sleep around 11.30, and they were awake in their tent at around 5ish. Once I was home N slept in bed for 2 hours before lunch. My optician’s appointment was good but a bit worrying too. My eyesight was fine, with better than 20:20 vision, a tiny reading prescription so that’s no change. But he did see some druzens in one eye. Turns out these are usually seen in over 60s, as a sign of growing old. Usually coming about from smoking, lack of a variety of veg, or possibly genes if in younger people. Have to go back more regularly than usually to keep an eye on it. Reading up there are treatments, but at the moment it’s just add more (not quite sure how) veg.
In the afternoon N had a follow up eye appointment, He’s been holding up his overlay to see the whiteboard at school. But his eyes haven’t changed, He’s still longsighted. So they didn’t feel we needed anything further. She thinks it must just be glare on the board. We might have to see if he can be moved seat again. Buying colour lenses will be extortionate (on top of the £250 it cost me to tell me his eyes haven’t changed) and the optician doesn’t think they’ll do anything useful.
The weather was glorious, the OH has started mowing on the farm. The weather has meant sileaging is later than normal. N and I played a bit of tennis once his eyes were back to normal after the drops he’d had in hem. My brother dropped in – first person in our house for soooo long. We all played a bit of cricket before having a good chat.
I think we’re all a bit tired today. N from having very little sleep, and me from all the running around today. I’m just out of practice from it.
This week’s photo was from our trip into own for our appointments.

New posts this week:
It sounds like you had such a busy week. It’s good that they have picked up your eye issues. If you can eat more veg, I’m sure you already eat more than enough, it will be interesting if that improves it. They are keeping an eye on Little E’s eyes. I think she has too much screen time. Clearly gets that from me! #365
The party sounds fun!
Not heard of druzens before. Good it has been picked up though and they can keep an eye on it
Glad to here that the party went ahead eventually and that N enjoyed it. Sounds like you have had a very busy week
Sounds like a busy week for you all. The bell tent party sounds like a lot of fun, no wonder he needed to catch up on a bit of sleep. I really need to go to the opticians, £250 for a check up sounds like a lot, I had no idea it was so expensive. Lets hope the better weather is now here to stay. Hope you had a great half term
It was a check up plus the visual stress test repeated. Visual stress can only be done privately but then the charge for the normal eye test part as well I think.
Glad you managed to get everything done at work before half-term. The glamping party sounded like fun – glad N enjoyed it. Sorry to hear that your opticians appointment was a bit worrying. Lovely to be able to have your brother drop in again. #project365
Sorry to hear about your eye issue, you can join me as the only under retirement age people at the Eye Hospital clinics now – lucky thing! A pain, but good that they spotted it early for you #365
I have photochromic lenses (reaction, responsive, they have lots of names), the ones that change their colours depending on how much sun is. I love them and I feel they were worth the extra charge.
You can add more veggies in your diet if you make small changes. We are vegan and I have a food blog (CookStyle), if you want to have a look. Stews are great, with green leaves, such as cavolo nerro and spinach. Baked veggies are also great. On top of that, you can make a smoothie with a banana, 150-200ml fruit juice (no added sugar), 1 tsp of chia seeds, and 1 tsp of superfoods (spinach powder, spirulina). That counts as 2.5 servings of fruits/veggs, it’s sweet, easy to make, and yummy.
Married to a beef farmer and would never become veggie, and certainly not vegan. Plus I’m on warfarin so can’t increase my green leafy veg intake more than I currently do as it impacts my readings. I already eat a lot of mixed vegetables, usually at least 3 types per dinner and usually have them at lunch too, along with fruit for snack or at breakfast. I’m on keto diet at the moment though, so no pulses and limited fruit. So my diet is already pretty well balanced with veg as I’m filling my plate to make up for losing potatoes. There’s not much more I can eat in a day.
The weather has been lovely for the last couple of days. I was glad to say goodbye to the rain.
It sounds like N had a great time at his friends party.
What a lovely photo. x