Project 52 2021 week 45
It’s been another busy week, with up and down typical autumnal weather. With a lot more rain than was anticipated by the forecast. Here’s our week 45 of this year’s Project 52.
On Sunday the tennis club started their new junior coaching. It’s with a different coach, and it was never going to work in that format. They hadn’t had enough younger ones to run a separate earlier session so tried putting the two 5-6 year olds (who are really ‘young’, unfocused, and can’t really hit the ball) in with the 4 older children who all play for teams. The coach managed it quite well, but thankfully he’s agreed to do the younger kids early, and our lot for the full hour. But N really didn’t enjoy it. He said they got told off for doing what he’s told them to do. Then moaned because a bad feed (and they were bad feeds for volleys) meant he fell over quite hard.
I told him he should try it again at least once when it’s settled in and they’ve got used to the coach, but he wasn’t happy. It does take him time to adjust, and it’s expensive compared to what we used to pay on Sundays, so I want it to be worthwhile. But if he doesn’t go, it means we’ve lost that opportunity to get on court again. And it could end up stopping if there’s not enough interested. It’s only pay as you go though, and N won’t be there next week as he’s got a tournament.
The rest of the day was just chance to relax and take the dogs for a walk.
Monday I was doing interviews again. It’s been a good experience, and chance to see how highly qualified people really are, but going for the most junior roles in the company.
On Tuesday it was quiet. Another work and school day. I managed to find a play outfit for N after drawing a blank with borrowing or finding something in his size second hand. At least it was an ebay bargain, and was a new outfit. N decided to make mince pies again, after getting in the Christmas spirit after Christmas play rehearsals.
Wednesday it was busy at work. I’m finding I’m having lots of half hour short meetings and then lots of calls inbetween. It’s hard to get the time to actually do more work than just admin, supporting everyone who needs some, and trying to fix some workload issues. N had his tennis private after school. I’ve managed to move it back to our original 5pm time which means I can finish a couple of minutes early instead of having to use a bit of my flexi to get there when working.
On Thursday I managed to book N’s birthday party for early next year. Yes it’s over 2 months away, but Christmas is in the way, and I didn’t know how busy party slots get. I wanted to get invites out too, as so many of his friends do sport at weekends, it’s giving them more time to get subs or work out timings. We need a minimum of 10, and N has exactly 9 he wanted to invite. So hopefully all can come. So far, 7 have accepted, his cousin’s a probably (but needs to work out football fixtures), and the other is new to school so I’ve had to provide a paper invite and hope it gets back to the parents, and that they’ll call or text me as I’ve no way to get in contact with them. N is very excited.
Friday was much damper than expected. Wet and misty all day, and they ended up playing tennis in the wet for his individual session .His session seems to have been cut short for another boy’s lesson at 5.20 without us being informed so I need to check on that. Whether N can start 10 minutes earlier if he’s now being kicked off for someone else. I’m not happy given noone told me and ours had been booked in for the hour since the start of the school year, and this kid’s only been having his lesson since half term.
I also went through my coats and drawer I needed to empty to make space for jumpers. I’ve got 3 coats to sell on or donate, a few scarves and tops, and some old pyjama bottoms to reuse as t-shirt yarn. And 2 swimming costumes (possibly a third) – what do you do with old swimming costumes with lots of wear still in them? I’ve now found room to put away all my new jumpers.
On Saturday we did our usual quick trip into town. N does love going in which I’m surprised about. I’m obviously a much faster and efficient shopper than my mum used to be as we used to hate shopping as children. We did a trip to TKMaxx to finish my christmas shopping. All done except for N’s present which I’m researching the best place to buy from, then need to work out when’s best to get it delivered.
In the afternoon, my brother came over to take N out to pick sloes for sloe gin. I went out too as we’d planned to take the dogs, but we ended up only going round the field behind ours, with one dog. It was a lovely hour or so, and N was taught how to find mole tunnels – of which we have a lot at the top of our field.
I also tried to sort out my dance blog. Its SSL expired, and now my host TSO has become like Godaddy, it makes it too hard to use your own free SSL, so I’ve finally moved that blog elsewhere. It’s migrated, but I’m struggling to get the nameservers moved. My domain registrar saying they’re with TSO, but TSO saying they’re not the registrar so can’t make changes. Will have to sort that out tomorrow. Luckily my blog traffic is tiny there, so I’m only losing 35-50 a day with people being told it’s not safe. Maybe once it’s moved I’ll do more with that blog and try and build it up again.
A busy week, and more to come with the build up to Christmas and weekends getting busier.
This week’s photo was taken at the top of the hill behind the farm, on a dog walk.

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I am super impressed you have managed to get all your shopping done apart from Ns. I still have quite a bit to do here. Sorry to hear about the tennis I hope they sort it out. I like collecting sloes but I am not a fan of sloe gin. Love the photo
Sorry to hear that N didn’t like his tennis lessons, hope they improve again soon. I need to make room in my drawers for some jumpers too – I need to sell some too and want to try vinted. I have just booked Eliza’s party too
Glad to hear they are going to separate out the younger kids in tennis, your son might enjoy it more then if you can convince him to go back. I find it hard to get mine to go to any clubs and activities now. It was becoming too much of a battle so I gave up! I think its a good idea to get his birthday sorted, time soon flies by better to get the date booked in with plenty of time!
The tennis coaching session with the new coach sounds like it was very frustrating. Not good that his private lesson got cut short either. Hope it all gets sorted out. Glad you managed to find a play outfit for N and get his birthday party booked – good plan to book it early. Hope you manage to get the issues with moving your dance blog sorted out. #project365
The tennis sounds like a right palaver, with timings and coaches. I’ve no idea what you said about your dance blog, it all goes over my head. I’m not a fan of Sloe gin, but I love the walking, wish we had access to open fields without restrictions, sounds lovely.
Mmm, sloe gin, that’s going to be a nice treat! Beautiful view, all that space, you can almost breathe in all the fresh air.
Good luck with N’s party! I haven’t done much of Christmas shopping, mostly only sweet treats and Italian desserts. Nothing yet that counts as proper gifts.
The tennis lesson sounds off-putting, I can see why N was disappointed.
I had to google what sloes were…not heard of them before.
It does seem odd putting the young ones in with the more experienced.
Hope you manage to get the 10 kids needed for the party.
We have had some rain here but not that much when I think about it. I’m glad.
That doesn’t make much sense with putting the young kids with the older more experienced kids.
I’m glad you have found an outfit for N and hooray for N making mince pies again. I think I need to eat more to get into the Christmas spirit.
Good luck with N’s birthday party. I hope they all turn up and well done for finishing your Christmas shopping, apart from N’s. I still have quite a bit to buy, we’re just waiting for pay day.
What a beautiful scene from your dog walk. x