Project 52 2022 week 16
It’s week 16 of the year and Project 52, and it’s a more interesting post from me this week. Holiday time!
Easter Sunday and we played tennis for the first time in so long as there was no coaching going on. We met his friend there to play too, and one of his old team mates was there playing with her family. It was lovely so I’m hoping the coach doesn’t go through the summer holidays too, so we can get in lots of Sunday morning play. Tennis killed my backside, so the rest of the week didn’t start with me being in the best state for lots of holiday walking, with an aching backside.
Easter chocolate was pretty minimal this year (N still has 2 half eaten, now cardboard flavoured eggs left from last year). We did cycle down the road to drop off one for his cousin.
On Monday, bank holiday, we travelled over to Wales for our first holiday since pre Covid. We were staying in Tenby, about a mile from the centre. Traffic was good. We stopped in Newport on the way to check out the Roman Legionary Museum and Roman Amphitheatre. N really enjoyed it being a bit of a history fan, so it was a good (free) stop.
Once we checked in at the hotel, we were straight into the pool for our slot. Before Covid, N’s swimming had been spot on technique wise. But it’s terrible now – probably not helped by not having goggles. I reckon he needs some intensive training back with his old instructor to get him back on it. I was amazed at how his skills had dropped after that time. He loved it though (and blamed it on the water in that pool hurting his eyes compared with the old pool he usually swam in).
Tuesday was a day in Swansea. The main reason for heading there was because N wanted tapas, and there was more chance of that there, than in Tenby. We did the National Waterfront museum which he really enjoyed, walked down by the marina. Then played indoor crazy golf (I won), did bowling (I won by miles, he had a shocker, although we had decided to play without the barriers which turned out to be a mistake), and played on the arcades. We wandered up into the town, and checked out the castle remains. We finished off with an early Las Iguanas tapas tea – and nearly blew our heads off with very spicy chicken (it hadn’t said it was particularly spicy). Oops.
Back in Tenby I’d said we could walk in to see about getting something for dessert. No ice cream places open, so we ended up just getting cream cake from Tesco. Nothing like a bit of class on holiday (not!).
On Wednesday we had a busy day based around Tenby area. We headed out to Pembroke Castle. It was a glorious day, and we both enjoyed finding out about the castle and walking the castle walls. We stopped at Manor Wildlife Park on the way back to Tenby. It’s quite a small wildlife park, but we still saw meerkats, lemurs, siberian tigers and camels amongst others.
The afternoon was back to Tenby, N wanted chips from one of only 2 places doing takeaways in town, then sat on the beach to eat them. We had an hour to walk to the sea, quick play in the ways and back to the hotel. N loves the sea, even just dipping his toes in.
We were back in the hotel for our late afternoon swim slot, and had the pool to ourselves. Then back into town for food – where they had a bit of a mare. I’d ordered a starter to share, but she forgot to put in that order, only our mains turned up (evidently my asking for a halloumi burger minus the bun, and with salad instead of chips, blew her mind). They delivered the starter as I finished my first course. Luckily the food was really good, and they did knock the starter off my bill. They got another table’s drinks wrong too, and took ages. Not great, but a shame as it was really good food.
Thursday was a final breakfast at the hotel, a laze around until it was time to leave. Check out, and onto Heatherton World of Activities for the morning. I’d thought it would be packed out, but we were the first ones into the site and straight onto adventure golf (I won), laser clay shooting (he won, I’m terrible at this, I have no idea how to line up, aim or actually how I’m meant to aim the gun), archery (love it, needs a bit of practice), and bumper boats. Such a lovely morning in the sun and a great place. I wish we had something like this near us.
We drove over to Ludlow where we’re staying one night. The hotel there is lovely too (amazing bathroom and shower). We ate out in a family friendly pub on the outskirts rather than the too posh pubs that seemed to be in town. The food was delicious and they were really nice staff. Good meal all round, plus a brief walk around the town to find our way about and get some nice photos when it’s all quiet.
I managed to get N booked in for his covid jab. Initially there were no appointments for when we needed at the 12 weeks gap, so I’d booked via the government website. But now our Doctor’s ones are available, so location switched.
On Friday we checked out of the hotel and headed into Ludlow to see the castle there. It was better and bigger than we anticipated. N might not like National Trust visits anymore, but a castle works for him! Then onto Ludlow Kitchen and Farmshop. This was the reason we ended up in Ludlow because he loves their pork pies so much, and their breakfasts. So brunch/lunch and one happy boy.
I dragged him via Berrington Hall on the way home to get some use of our National Trust pass. We weren’t there for long, but long enough for me to get my National Trust fix and to stretch our legs. Both of us have aching legs after so much walking down and up into and out of Tenby each day this week. So much for being fit! It meant he didn’t make it to tennis catch up despite us being back earlier than anticipated.
Saturday was the first training session for the football club N is joining. He can’t play in their final couple of matches as he’s late joining in the season, but hopefully there will be some more training sessions left. It was a 2 hour session but he loved it, saying it only felt like an hour. While he was there I did a mammoth food shop, the first full shop I’ve done in store for a long time. It took me ages!
The rest of the day was spent catching up on bits from the week just gone and editing photos and videos for our break.
My project 52 photo this week is of Tenby harbour.

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How lovely to get away. Your picture of Tenby harbor brought back fond memories for our holidays there. Lucky you having the pool to yourself, I haven’t been swimming in absolutely ages, I really miss it.
I miss regular swimming too, especially now the outdoor pool is open. I need to get N there for a proper swim I think
Beautiful photo of Tenby harbour. It sounds like you had a good week away – visiting castles and having chips on the beach sounds lovely. Glad N enjoyed his first football session. #project365
I’m glad you had a good holiday, I was surprised how quite it was there especially with it being the Easter Weekend. I too struggle to swim properly if the water is over chlorinated. Hope N enjoys his football, it’s nice to be part of a team. We really need to sue our NT membership more often
I love Tenby, would love to go back as so much more to see. Glad you enjoyed a nice break. Hopefully N’s swimming technique will come back with a couple more lessons.
I’m hoping the year 6s will have a couple of lessons before they have their residential
Sounds like a good break away in Wales. I loved the different coloured houses when we went.
I was a big fan of the houses too. The prices of them were insane though. I thought our area was expensive, but nothing like those.
It sounds like a great holiday and you fitted so much into your break away. hahaha! Getting cakes from Tesco did make me chuckle.
Gorgeous photo and such a lovely view. I love the pretty, different coloured houses x