Sometimes the simple days are the best
It’s not often as a mum you get a decent day to yourself. Especially now I’m rarely working in the office, it means that even a working day has N coming back earlier. I’m lucky in that I do get flexi days if I have worked enough time over my hours. Those days off do getting eaten up fast by things that need to be done, but sometimes it’s nice to just revel in the simple days, and not worry about being too productive.
I had an extra day of flexi which worked out to be just before the bank holidays. So longer break from work, although I had expected we’d probably do something together, N and me. But this time he announced he was going to the cattle market with the OH, so the day was my own.
I’d planned a lie in. Alarm was pushed back to 8am – I’m usually awake by 6.45-7 anyway, but that didn’t happen. I woke at around 6.10, and didn’t really get back to sleep. So not a great start.
A simple day for me is:
Heading out early
Get everything done as fast as possible, ticking off my list.
Free parking on the way into the town centre was a bonus find. And it meant I got more steps in (my left arm the day after was aching, I presume from carrying heavy shopping bags back so far!).
I’m a pretty fast shopper, and really efficient. So I stick to my route round town then head back to the car via one of the parks.
It’s one we’ve been to quite a bit with N when he was younger. The playground’s ok, and it’s good to ride a bike round. This time there were even children playing tennis on one of the courts.

I’d gone hoping for lots of blossom but it was mostly still daffodils. Lots of them lining the main path, with the flower beds looking lovely too.
The park also has a ‘formal’ garden area, based on a circular style format of beds. Just walking in the entrance path you could smell the hyacinths. It was a beautiful display of white, a serene place to sit and enjoy the quiet.

I headed back to get my car washed. There was a heart stopping moment when the carwash stopped while I was halfway through it. Luckily they just hit the button (after longer than I’d have liked), and it continued without a hitch.
A simple morning, topped off with a nice lunch back home reading, and then catching up with their exploits at market once they got home.
Sometimes you do get to the end of the day and wonder what you’ve actually achieved. But just having a calm relaxing day, doing things you can look back on as being enjoyable, is just as important as having productive days.
Sometimes simple days are the best.
What does a simple day entail for you?
Some of my favourite and best days are the ones that just happen, too much planning can limit spontaneity
That’s very true. I’m not good with being spontaneous, but something allowing myself to not do anything, does create its own adhoc being
Simple days really are the best. It sounds like you had a lovely time. Fantastic photos, the flowers are so pretty.
I get most Wednesdays to myself while my fella is at work and the girls are at school and college. I sometimes have a little lie in, usually a soak in the bath and then just potter about the house doing my own thing, it’s bliss. x
That’s nice to know you’ve got a regular day to yourself
Sounds like bliss! My days off are always really hectic too, I rarely have time to sit down and do nothing in particular.
It’s so nice when you do get the time to yourself to do just what you want