Project 52 2022 week 23
Post the Jubiliee long weekend, week 23 of the year has been a sudden bump back to work and school. Here’s how we’ve got on this week for Project 52.
On Sunday it was the last of the Jubilee weekend. We didn’t watch the Jubilee Pageant, but I had a lazy day doing jigsaw puzzles, reading, and trying to work out what other items I need to get for N’s secondary school list, and his residential. In the evening we went to the farm for a big family meal. The first in a long time – all of us were there except the 2 oldest nephews. N had a great time.
Monday was back to work. I was in the office so the OH took N to school, and picked him up. It was like an old day in the office – around 100 people were in for a summer get together, and meeting. So it was chance to see lots of people I don’t immediately work with or speak to regularly. It was so nice to see so many of my old pod mates.
On Tuesday we didn’t do much other than work and school. Various bits have been arriving for N’s secondary school stationery needs so we’re trying to get everything organised. We just need to store it somewhere we’ll remember.
Wednesday was the day I’ve been waiting for for years. Sounds dramatic, but I’ve been hoping to do more tennis and do a rusty rackets course. Finally they’ve done one at our club, and there were 6 of us turned up for the first lesson. I knew 3 of the others, but everyone seemed to be really friendly. It was a bit odd having a lesson with N’s coach.but he wasn’t too hard on us given it’s a group session. Two really weren’t very rusty at all, and I was the most erratic player there.
But after the hour I was hitting more consistently. Turns out I really can’t hit a double handed backhand – damn being left handed because it meant I had to do a lot of that while the others did forehands. I loved it, and hopefully it continues into the summer. After hearing the experience of one of my friends who popped along to the womens social mix in morning on a day off, where she was the youngest by about 20 years, but still felt out of her depth, I don’t think I’ll be ready for social tennis at the club for a long time yet!
On Thursday it was another lovely day with an evening going for a garden tour and picnic in the garden, organised by one of my work colleagues. We had the usual crowd of women there, and it was so nice to see everyone and chat. The gardens were beautiful, and we had a lovely picnic, with the rain just holding off.
Friday was a working day. N had to take his bike to school for a pre-cycling proficiency course check over. Both the bike and whether they could cycle well enough. He returned with his bike because his back brake wasn’t good enough. Of course, my brother who’s the bike expert, is away this weekend. I’ve tightened the screw, so hopefully that’s tight enough now.
N had his group tennis lesson, and also on the tennis theme, my Wimbledon tickets have ‘arrived’. Now we’ve just got to hope that the rail and tube strikes don’t hit that week.
On Saturday I left N to go out on the farm while I headed into town to pick up a couple of bits. After lunch N asked to go on a bike ride, so he helped me prep tea by making flapjack. We only headed to one of the next villages, but crikey, compared to the last time we cycled, it was so much harder work. Noticeable that last time I’d been on my keto diet, and doing 15k+ steps a day. For the last month I’ve been scoffing carbs way too much, and my steps are well below 7k a day. I need to get back onto it, and lose the weight I’ve put on in that time.
This week’s Project 52 photo was taken at the garden tour I went on.

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Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself with the tennis, I imagine you’ll be hitting a lot of backhands being left handed. We had a year 6 induction day today at school there is such a long list of all the things their parents need to buy and organise for them over the summer.
Thankfully we have most of the Y7 things stationery wise, just had to get a specific calculator. Still need to order some extra uniform, and wait to know which house he’s in to get a tie.
I love that the club is called rusty rackets…….our swimming one is called Masters, I am certainly not one of those! Sounds lovely to see some old colleagues. We are on countdown to transition day here too
It’s a great name isn’t it.
How lovely to see lots of people in the office again. Good luck with getting organised for secondary school. Great that you were able to finally do the rusty rackets course and it sounded like the first one was really helpful – hope that they continue with it. #project365
That garden looks amazing!
Glad you managed to go on the rusty rackets course. I enjoyed tennis at school, wouldn’t mind having another go at it.
This week really was a bump back to reality after the Jubilee celebrations.
The family meal sounds lovely and how lovely you saw people at work.
There seems so much to organise that first year at secondary school. It does get easier as the years go on. I think all I have to buy my youngest this year is new trousers and maybe a couple of white shirts.
The rusty rackets course sounds like fun and it sounds like you did really well.
What a beautiful looking garden x