Project 52 2022 week 29
It’s week 28 of the year and we’re still on hot weather. Potential record breaking weather. I’m not a fan of the heat, but thankfully my little work spot is quite cool, otherwise I’d have had to have gone into the office to work somewhere air conditioned.
Here’s my week for Project 52.
Sunday felt like a really long day. I got up relatively early and for the first time in ages could vacuum out all the dry mud and bits in the utility room. The table had been moved out of there along with the bikes, to use it for a big family BBQ. So there’s plenty of room in there and an empty floor. I also went to the tip to drop off the old broken printer, and my sister in law’s travel cot that had been in our loft from when they lived next door at least 12 years ago.
The rest of the day was quiet, just at home finishing a puzzle, a bit of reading, sudoku, and not a lot else.
On Monday it was an early drop off for N at his secondary school transition morning. He didn’t talk much about it, but it seemed to go fine. Hopefully it felt good being there and getting the feel of it.
It was the hottest day of the year so far, and probably what I’ve experienced. Not pleasant. We currently have the disagreement of me letting the cold air in in the early mornings then closing everything up and curtains closed. Then the OH comes in at lunchtimes and opens all the windows and doors letting all the hot air in. There wasn’t even a through draught today, it’s just so stifling. I think they said our temperature was around 36C.
Tuesday was even hotter. Some places hit 40C. Our house was inundated with flies. I’ve never seen so many. Our internet went out again, so I had to use my phone for a Teams call – from upstairs because my mobile signal wasn’t good enough. N went out baling on the farm with the OH for the afternoon. Preferable being in an air conditioned tractor than in a hot house.
I got answers to my secondary school questions. I asked for feedback on how the tutor groups were decided given that he isn’t in with anyone else from his school, and no friends are in together. Turns out the county told the school he was currently at his old nursery school instead of the school, so they just placed him in a random tutor group. Given they phoned me weeks ago to check his school because they said the nursery obviously wasn’t correct, I don’t know why that didn’t filter through to the person sorting tutor groups. Plus, our application for schools definitely only had his current primary on, so god knows what they’re all playing at.
They’ve said they may be able to move him if any other children leave or move. But there’s not much point now I’ve bought the house tie he currently needs. N doesn’t seem that worried, but I just hope they’ll put him in with some friends for lessons.
On Wednesday I went into the office as our internet has been playing up too much. It was quieter than usual, but was nice to catch up with a few others, and meet a couple of new people.
N was with his dad baling in fields near us. He sent me a video of him driving the tractor pulling the trailer! They didn’t want to cook or wait for me to get home to decide on something to eat, so made the call on Domino’s for me to get on my way home.
My Rusty Rackets course has finished, but we’ve decided to keep playing. 4 of us made it (thankfully the weather had cooled down nicely), and had a couple of sets of doubles. My serve started with 4 double faults but thankfully improved, and by service game 3 I could actually toss the ball up straight, and had 1 ace and an unreturnable serve. Hopefully it’ll continue improving.
Thursday I had an early INR appointment and it was right at the bottom of my range. N’s football top he bought arrived and he’s not wanted to take it off since. I’m not a fan of football kit but he’s bought it, and hopefully he won’t wear it out on the farm and get it wrecked. We had 2 letters from the hospital calling N for a face to face with the ENT department on Monday about his tonsillitis. Only 5 months later than expected, and not much notice given it’s holiday season. I’m not sure there’s much point, as he’s only had it once since January, and he’ll no longer be eligible to have them out compared with 2 years ago.
On Friday it was my last day of work before going on leave. I managed to book us a few days away after a weekend with my best friend, so now I’m looking for things to do for 11 year olds in Suffolk. N had a morning tennis individual lesson, then spent the afternoon playing football at his cousin’s house. Inbetween ‘walking’ the dogs on his bike up and down the public footpath across our land. He’s loving doing that. I’d thought group tennis finished last week, but it was on. There were only 3 of them, and they were dodging the rain, but they played well doing singles matches.
Saturday was a day to get some things done. We’ve got a few appointments over the next few days and I really needed to sit back and not do much. I think this week I need to get in some early nights because I’m just so tired. I think sitting around not doing much doesn’t help. I managed to get a new suitcase to replace my old one that got ruined on N’s residential. I need one to go away with so hoping it’s big enough given we’re going away for a bit longer than usual.

New posts this week:
Glad that N’s secondary school transition morning seemed to go okay. The tutor group allocation process doesn’t sound great especially with the mix-up over having the nursery details. Hope N ends up being with some of his friends for lessons. #project365
My husband was the same with the doors and windows…so frustrating!
How frustrating N’s didn’t get put in a tutor group with his friends…I hope he gets moved.
Sounds like N had a good week on the the tractor and helping around the farm. Shame about his new class, but I’m sure he’ll make new friends soon enough
I think we all suffered in the heat last week and the debate continues about whether the curtains and windows should be closed, lol. I hope your son gets to at least be in lessons with friends.
Enjoy the summer break and I enjoyed reading your blog.
Thanks for commenting, hope you have a good summer too.
I was not a fan of the heat either. I much prefer what we’ve had later in the week. Cooler.
My fella and I had the same argument about keeping the doors and windows shut when it’s too hot. He opened them all up! Ugh!
That is a shame about N not being with any of his friends because of an admin error. It seems so unfair. I am sure he will end up with people he knows in lessons.
I hope you have a lovely break away with your friend and the kids. x
Fingers crossed he’s in the same wing as some friends. It’s so bizarre as there’s 3 of them separated from anyone else, then the other 5 are split across 2 tutor groups, but none of them are particularly friendly anyway, and one’s a girl, so I’m surprised she wasn’t the one split off. But hopefully it’ll turn out ok.