Project 52 2022 week 41
It’s been a busy week with quite a lot going on. Well less going on, but more frustration I think for all of us. Here’s our Project 52 week 41 of the year.
After my day at BlogOn the day before it meant Sunday wasn’t very relaxing. It was a catch up day on everything else that needed doing. I finished off a puzzle and a book. I wasn’t pleased to find N had forgotten about his science homework He’s going to have to do it as soon as he gets up in the morning.
Monday was a slow day. I spent work trying to find out the reason for some discrepancies. My kind of investigation although it can be frustrating. I went through the Blogon goody bags, removed potential gifts, then set N loose on them. It was hot chocolate time because he wanted to try the Swizzels drumstick marshmallows
On Tuesday it was really cold, slight frost, and I was definitely cold all day. N’s PE class has now been set by ability, and he’s ended up in the 2nd/bottom group. Most in the group aren’t into sport at all. The teacher’s told them ‘it’s not because you’re bad at sport, but the other group will get to do harder sport and be more challenged’. That’s not on because N loves sport, is enthusiastic about it, and is now turned off.
His group were assessed on 5 lessons of lineball which is like netball. A new sport and it benefitted everyone who’s tall. We’re confused about the placement. Other friends were assessed in their group based on football which they all play. So not really a fair comparison.
I’ve emailed in to query the rationale, the opportunity for movement up to the next group, and pointed out all the sports he’s done, what he’s represented school in, teams he plays in, county tennis experience, and enthusiasm. The first PE lesson wasn’t good, so we really don’t want him staying in that group if they’re not being pushed, and if it means he’s got no opportunity to improve and show what he can do.
Wednesday I had to buy more jeans for N, so he would have trousers to wear for the disco. He can’t really just wear sportswear to it. N had football training under floodlights for the first time. My Rusty Rackets was fun although we’re struggling with numbers.
The PE teacher emailed back and said groups can change, but he’s got 2 weeks to prove he could move up. Let’s see whether that’s really that good an opportunity.
On Thursday I had a couple of Christmas gifts turn up that I’d ordered. I’m a bit stumped for bigger gifts for people but token gifts and Santa’s are progressing. N’s school disco has been pushed back. He’s happy because it means he’ll get to go to the fair. He’s already arranging it with his friends, although he’s not being let loose without a parent nearby.
Friday was busy. N got set a geography project, and it makes me wish I was the one doing it. I wasn’t that keen on coursework or projects when at school, but now I just want to do all these research projects.
Everyone turned up for tennis so N’s older group was crushed 7 on one court. It meant that again they didn’t get to play much tennis. It looks like one of the club members is going to start up the junior Sunday sessions again. Hitting, a bit of coaching, and games. Even if that’s only once a month, it’s aimed at children who can rally, and are playing yellow ball. So hopefully it’ll mean a lot more tennis hitting, and help them progress. I wasn’t sure if N would be keen but he seems to be which is good.
Saturday was a busy one. N had an away football match, first one on astro. They had a great start, a lot more possession, lbut ended up losing. N didn’t have much time on the pitch when he was subbed on as striker (random position for him), but had a few good moves and feeds through to others.
Then barber appointment in the afternoon. His usual barber has left, so he’s moved to the lady. She’s super speedy at cutting, is really popular with most of the children going to her, and manages to chat a lot while cutting. N’s pleased because she gets a lot less hair down his neck – no itchiness afterwards.
He persuaded me to get out in the garden and kick some balls at him to save. He’s decided that maybe he should work on being goalie as no-one in school football club seems to want to do it and if he practices he might end up in the team. Although he did get a bounce up off quite a kick from me into his face and ended up taking time out with watering eyes. Oops.
Our football practice was aborted when a family friend came driving in, yelling that our roadside hedge was on fire. Lucky he was going past, as it was the hedge near the fuel tanks. So a bit of firefighting by everyone there before all the sparks in the leaves on the ground were put out.

New posts this week:
Gosh that was a bit scary your hedge being on fire! Your son is so good with all his sporting interests. Mine are still glued to their consoles, its a battle I seem to have lost sadly. Although someone did tell me their son was the same until girls came along and now he goes outside again haha. So maybe that will change things round eventually.
He still plays way too much xbox, and it’s a struggle to get him out
How frustrating for N to end up in the bottom group for PE. It doesn’t seem right given how sporty he is. Hope you can get it resolved and he can move up and be challenged more. Hope the junior tennis sessions on Sundays will help N a bit more. The group sessions sound quite frustrating. Thank goodness your friend spotted the fire in the hedge and you managed to put it out. #project365
Oh that must have been scary with the fire but glad nothing bad happened.
The whole PE group thing really doesn’t sound fair.
How lucky that your friend drove past your hedge and alerted you to it – wonder what caused it. Sorry to hear about N’s PE grouping. Hopefully he will move up again
The Blogon goody bags always look so good.
That is a shame about N losing enthusiasm for PE. My youngest girls year is that small they’re just split into girls and boys.
What a fab collection of football cards. x
He’s decided he’s going to try for goalie even though it’s not his normal position, because noone else seems to want to be, and it might mean he can get in the team (not sure if they have an A and B team – should do really with the numbers who’re keen at club) Hopefully that will give him reason to try hard in lessons