Project 52 2022 week 5
This week wasn’t quite as we expected, but unsurprising with Covid cases seemingly back on the rise again. Yes the plague of Covid has hit our house.
Here’s our week 5 of Project 52.
Sunday there was no junior coaching at the club which meant we could go and use that morning slot to play. N wasn’t keen – he’s been moaning it’s too much tennis recently and wanted to stop one of his private lessons (after all the effort I went to finding a workable date after he really wanted to get in the second session. We’ll re-evaluate at half term I suppose. But he played and hopefully had a bit of fun. He’s quite good at coaching me so I hope he wants to continue, if only to improve enough to potentially want to do a basic coaching qualification when he’s a bit older. It’ll give him options for some part time work in holidays. I loved being back playing and wasn’t too bad (apart from my serves) considering I hadn’t played for a long time.
On Monday it was back to work and school. It was a beautiful day, and I got a nice drive out at lunchtime thanks to the hill into the next village being closed. It was a bit of a trek around the diversion. Frustrating when I checked online after, to see that the road wasn’t meant to be closed; it should have been 2 way traffic lights. N had a good private tennis lesson in the evening.
Tuesday was another blue sky day. It’s been so dry this year so far. Nice to have such gorgeous sunsets and sunrises though. My inside ankle’s been giving me a little pain which I haven’t had consistently since I was back dancing. It had caused me to stop for a bit, then hadn’t had chance to get back to it before covid arrived. Hopefully it won’t stay, and was just a couple of days of twinges.
On Wednesday N was pleased they got to play hockey at school. He’s enjoying his long division too. His tennis private was cancelled due to that coach testing positive for covid.
Thursday was a long workshop morning for me. Our new dishwasher arrived. Just before it turned up I checked the outside drain as it had really high water. The cover disappeared ages ago – turned out it was pretty full of leaves and gravel. Sigh. I removed what I could (bleurgh), then the OH got out the long pole they use when they need to check out the cesspit etc (the joys of living in the middle of nowhere). All flowing ok. The old dishwasher wasn’t drying or feeling hot when opened at the end of the cycle, so it definitely needed a new one. The delivery guy reckoned we did pretty well having it for as long as the top end of 5-8 years, so I didn’t feel so bad about how fast it feels like we get through them.
We made the OH do his first lateral flow test as he’d been to a party at the weekend, and we were going out on Friday with friends. He wasn’t impressed but was negative.
On Friday it was a busy one. I had an interview for an internal job – think it went ok (always bizarre being interviewed by your line manager, well, functional dotted line manager at the mo). Although the competency examples that were on the job description that I’d prepared for weren’t what i was asked about. Instead it was all the job essentials – so a bit of false information and a lot of thinking on my feet which isn’t usually my strong point.
After work and picking up N from school, I took some photos of a few clothes I need to put on Vinted. I finally got round to dying my hair. My hairdresser had advised using a semi permanent suggesting it would be better for the grey coverage, and amazingly it is. It was meant to be warm mid brown, so similar to my hair colour. But on me hair dye always seems to be much redder than the box colours suggest. N was a bit surprised and keeps saying ‘it’s really red’. I quite like it, although it’s annoying that I never know what dye is going to look like til afterwards.
N had tea at the farm as he was sleeping over while we were out. I took him to his group tennis lesson, then he was getting dropped off after by another parent as we’d already gone out. We went out to celebrate a friend’s birthday for a pub meal. The same birthday event 2 years ago pre-Covid was the last time we all got together. It was a bit weird to be out without any sign of masks, with lipstick! It was as if no Covid existed. All the times over the last year we’ve eaten out, we’ve worn masks to the table, and servers have worn masks. It was so lovely to see everyone, chat like normal. Hopefully it won’t be long before we can get together again.
Saturday and the expected day came. N woke me at 6am asking if there was calpol because he had a headache. He’d only slept about 3 hours so was really tired but a bit snotty too, had quite teary eyes and his temperature was up a little. Lateral flow tests for the 2 of us – his first one had a faint line after the 30 minutes. So we waited a couple of hours and tested again. Positive within 15 minutes. Sigh.
We got a drive through PCR test booked for him and myself. Let everyone know in his year at school, and those at tennis I knew he’d have been near, and the coach to let the others know who I didn’t have contact details for. And the inlaws as he’d stayed there last night. Of course the positive came after he’d been with so many people after school, having a lift and staying over. Not like the majority of our time when it’s just school and a single tennis coach. The PCR result came through 5 hours later, positive for him, negative for me. I did all the track and trace inputting but I still had to explain to the OH/in laws that they’re exempt from isolating as long as they daily test. The OH’s still negative as well.
Calpol seems to be holding off N’s headache and he’s so far happy to head up to his room with the back room tv and his xbox moving up with him. He only had a small amount of food but at least he’s eaten something. Hopefully he’ll be over it fairly quickly and be out of isolation after the 6 days. Fingers crossed we don’t get it too. Windows have been open all over the house all day, so it’s extra layers and sitting with blankets to keep warm. And wearing masks when being arround N.

This week:
- Books read 1 (The Start of Something Good, Jennifer Probst)
- Steps: 109k (pretty poor week as really busy with long work meetings, missed one tennis session which are great for steps, and just pottering around the house looking after N)
New posts:
I like your hair colour. I hope N wasn’t too bad with covid. Both my children were put off their food. I hope you were able to stay covid free #365
Sorry to hear N got Covid….seems like there is no escaping it at the moment. Hopefully symptoms remain mild.
I think the hair colour looks great.
Love the hair colour, it looks great. I am always worried about the colour when dying at home so I. am not brave enough. Really should as I am very grey now. Sorry to hear about N hope he still has it mildly and that the rest of you are okay. The are rising again here too I am so worried they will get it before behalf term.
Your hair looks lovely. I hated filling out those track and trace forms, they are so long winded. Hopefully you stay negative and hope N is feeling better now
Glad the hair dye worked out ok. Sorry to hear that N has Covid, I feel we play Russian Roulette every time we do our LFTs now. How much longer can we escape! Hope he’s on the mend by now #365
Sorry to hear that N has come down with Covid, hope that he feels better soon and that the rest of you all manage to stay negative. Love the new hair colour. It is hard sometimes not knowing how they will turn out – they never quite match the box for me either. #project365
Poor N with covid, hope his symptoms are mild and he gets well soon.No wonder he felt a bit negative towards his tennis, I guess it’s the constant changes with cancelled lessons. I’m still embracing my grey, I’m lucky its such an all over, equal cover.
Oh no, that’s a shame N feels like there’s been too much tennis lately. I am sure he will change his mind.
So sorry that Covid has arrived in your house. I hope N is feeling better soon and the rest of you stay negative.
Lovely photo! x