Project 52 2023 week 21
Another week of Project 52, and it’s week 21. Again the weather’s been really warm, and it’s been nice knowing we’ve got half term approaching. Here’s what’s been going on with our week.
Sunday was another warm one. The roads were taken over…by road race cyclists, and then the local annual tractor run. We stood and watched it go past at the end of the farm drive for the hour it took them all to go past.
On Monday it was our wedding anniversary, not that we recognised it after all this time. Back to work and school. The chill in the air of the morning was gone by lunch leaving a really warm afternoon. We’re on for more warm weather (hot in my eyes, as it’s over 20C). No tennis again due to men’s matches. It feels like forever since he’s had a Monday lesson – it’s been since before Easter I reckon.
Tuesday was a busy one at work. N had to make a fruit salad in food tech. After he’d lugged it home on the bus, he then dropped it. The bus driver again missed out our village, so yet another complaint message to the bus company was made.
On Wednesday it was a day full of calls and meetings. Lunch was very late and scoffed down as another meeting started. It was the start of mowing on the farm frantically trying to get it done ahead of foraging which had been brought forward.. The weather was lovely again so we spent the early evening in the garden, a bit of target shooting as my brother came over, and talking to the cows.
Thursday was a day for trying to get lots of things done and set up ahead of my leave next week. I sold a couple of things on Vinted, but really need to find some nice summer tops for myself. I’m struggling to find some that fit or have material I like. I did have a mad online order for some new jeans, plus school uniform for N in the next size up so we’re ready. I’m just hoping he doesn’t shoot up over the summer and grow 2 sizes up!
On Friday I was working a short day, although being my last day before a week off ended up with me still finishing things at 4.30. Today was the nice chatty Tesco driver – we talked dogs because he asked after ours (as she used to roam about and come and see him), the weather, and bank holidays. He obviously had a bit of time to spare. Sileaging started on the farm so as soon as N got home from school he was out with them with a pause for tennis group lesson, then back out again afterwards until late.
Saturday was a busy one in the morning. I had a stack of things to get in town, all from different places. I only wanted the market bakery stall in the town centre, but couldn’t get a parking space in the market place for the first time. An NCP car park has just changed to app only payments so everyone’s moaning about that and has obviously moved to the market for parking. I don’t think it’s helped by a dance studio opening in the shopping centre either, so parents are using the parking spaces to drop/pick up kids too. I ended up having to drive round town to get to another place and walk. Annoying for a 5 minute shopping trip.
In the afternoon I read, threw a ball at N for him to practice football and we got out the table tennis table.

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Sounds like you had a busy week at work. Good luck with finding some summer tops and fingers crossed that N’s uniform fits after the summer. That’s frustrating with struggling to find parking in the town centre especially for a short trip. #project365
Happy Anniversary! We don’t really bother anymore either. We forgot this year until FB memories reminded me!
Whoops to the dropped fruit salad. Happy Anniversary to you both, hubby and I don’t celebrate ours really other than a card. The tractor run sounds fun.
The tractor run sounds like a fun thing to watch.
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.
When I was young and lived on a farm I used to love the Sileaging. It was always so busy and lots of fun.
It is nice to see all of the bees buzzing around. I wish I had more flowers for them but mine seem to be slow at growing this year.
Thanks Kim. Yes it’s always nice to see the busy work of the tractors and forager. It was a late night. My flowers are non existent – my normal wall flowers haven’t come up so I need to scrap all the weeds and grass out and start again. It’s just my chives have gone nuts like usual. But the bees love those