Project 52 2023 week 4
Week 4 of Project 52, and it’s been ups and downs. It would be nice to have one week when nothing goes wrong!
Sunday was a bit different to normal. N watched a cow c section in the morning, luckily cow and calf were both fine. In the afternoon he went off to my brother’s to watch the football and have tea. A boys afternoon.
On Monday it was a gorgeous day but so cold again. Not really one to be stuck inside all day working. I spent a lot of time in the queue for our broadband provider’s helpdesk. We’ve had outages and on/off signal since Friday, so it’s driving me a bit nuts.
Tuesday I had the broadband engineers out. I’ve now got an upgraded router so hopefully we’ll have more consistent internet back again. N came home from school with a ripped shirt. A boy was evidently going around while they were playing football at lunch, ripping kids pockets off their shirts. So that’s one M&S shirt, worn twice, that’s now wrecked. 7 bought in September, and already 2 wrecked and 1 lost. Sigh.
On Wednesday it was another busy work day. N’s football training was off due to them wanting to (hopefully) save the pitch for matches at the weekend. I had a PTA meeting at school in the evening. It’s always nice to chat to different people.
Thursday we had the aga service guy round because our aga’s been playing up. I’ve had to set up a carbon monoxide alarm because the oil was stinking, and the flames were going nuts (and the wrong direction) when the OH looked inside. I’m not sure whether it was totally fixed, but until it is and is switched back on, I’m going to need to spread out my clothes drying and spend time preheating the oven all the time.
On Friday N woke feeling rough and with a headache. Paracetamol didn’t reduce it, so he ended up huddled under blankets all day in the living room, with another day off school. So no tennis and I’m not sure he’ll be ok for his football match tomorrow.
Saturday and N still had his headache, so pulled out of football. By lunchtime he was feeling a lot better, and a bit gutted because his team won their match with a lot of goals. I got round to taking my car to get washed for the first time this winter. When I got to town my stop light malfunction light came on, but thankfully by the time I was home it was off again. The car’s going in in a couple of weeks to get all the various warning light sensors checked as they keep going on and off.

New post this week:
He is brave watching a c-section. My mum was very ill after being with me with mine. It sounds like you have had lots of jobs to sort out. Sounds like us, always something. I hope the internet is better for you. It’s a nightmare when you are trying to work and it plays up #365
Oh wow, surely the boys mother should offer to replace the shirts her son ripped!!
Sorry to hear N had a headache and missed his match.
A cow C-section sounds interesting to watch. I’m glad both the cow and calf were fine. Sorry to hear that N was feeling unwell towards the end of the week. Hope he is better now. Hope you manage to get your aga and car sorted out. #project365
Sorry to hear N wasn’t well and missed out on his teams win. What a fab experience for him to witness the C section. Hope the car is sorted now. Shame about N’s shirt, I hope school will do something about it.
Oh wow! How fascinating for N to see a cow c-section.
I hope your new router helps with your internet and that is rubbish about N’s shirt. I hope N is feeling back to his normal self now, what a shame to miss the football. x
It’s a really interesting thing to see. So far, so good on the internet. And new shirts have been purchased. Hopefully no more needed for the rest of the year.