Project 52 2023 week 7
Another week another Project 52, and it’s week 7.
Sunday was a lovely day. Nice sunny weather always makes it feel like a better day. N was out most of the day walking the dog in the morning, then out working in the afternoon. I was able to get in some relaxation with some puzzling and reading.
On Monday it was back to school and work. With half term it meant a lot fewer emails at work as a few people are off this week. It was such beautiful weather N was straight out in the garden playing football after school. He wasn’t very enthusiastic at his tennis lesson. More effort needed and he’d enjoy it more!
Tuesday was another beautiful day. It was still cold working in the house though. N had a flexible learning day at school which was a mishmash of lessons varying from British values, LGBTQ+/equality and diversity, team building and others. I got an email saying I’d got tickets in the Wimbledon ballot. Unlike last year’s when I was told the day and court with no choice, this time I can log on when it opens to choose the date and court I want. In theory it means I’ll be able to choose the middle Saturday so I can take N, but if not I’ll have to pick a random day and hopefully I’ll have someone who’ll want to come along too.
On Wednesday it was just another work day. It’s always a rush afterwards as we’re meant to be at football training earlier to help set up the mobile floodlights. This week I was the only parent who turned up along with 1 coach. A school football match near clash didn’t help many of the others.
Thursday I had a flexi day. I’d decided to go for a wander around Stratford upon Avon as I’d not been there for a while. I tried an amazing epic hot chocolate from a nice little cafe, wandered around the shops and by the river and canal basin, and had some lunch. After school we had a bit of a kick around in the garden.
On Friday it was a short work day and fairly quiet. It was the last day of school before half term as well so everyone’s in good spirits. Tennis turned out to be a really good session as they had an extra half hour, and had lots of doubles play. I had a good chat with some of the other parents.
Saturday it was a a home football match against the team top of the league. Our team played really well in the first half, went a little to pots in the second half, but they worked hard and played better than they did the last time they played the same team. A loss but hopefully their remaining matches will be against teams at the lower end of the table.
After mooching around at home the rest of the day, I went out with N to check there were no cows calving in the barns because the OH was still out working. It was nice to see them, give them a scratch, and see the calves.

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Well done on getting tickets for Wimbledon in the ballot. Hope you manage to get the ones you want. Lovely to have a wander around Stratford upon Avon on your flexi day. That hot chocolate looks amazing. Sounds like it was a good football match overall against the top team – well done to N and his teammates. #project365
That hot chocolate does look epic, lovely to just wander and take some time for yourself.
Oh flexible working day is new…don’t think they offer that at the schools here. Great you got some Wimbledon tickets…hope you manage to get the day you want.
They have regular flexible learning/enrichment days. It can be additional different learning activities or lessons, careers things or equality/diversity type. A real mix of lots of sessions in the one day
It sounds like a good week. The flexible learning day at school for N sounds interesting. Good luck with picking the date and court for Wimbledon. That hot chocolate does look good. Have a fab half term. x
Thanks, looking forward to actually doing something interesting in half term.