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Project 52 2024 week 28

This week’s been a mix of up and downs. It’s ended in a super tired day, headachey and not really an opporunity to take time out to get rid of it. Next thing on our agenda is deciding where to watch the football. Here’s our week 28 for Project 52.

Sunday – caught up with quite a lot of blogging which was good, as I’ve been quite slack recently.

Monday – normal work day. It was enrichment week at school, and bizarrely the activities N was due to do didn’t really happen, so I didn’t understand what the point was. They seemed to just play cards under ‘maths’, but I’m not sure if anything else happened other than a football match. So not really very enriching compared to normal.

Tuesday – caught up on quite a bit of reading, but otherwise just a normal work day. N was on a water park trip and absolutely loved it. Luckily they didn’t get the thunderstorms that were forecast.

Wednesday – early start with a 6.30 drop off at school for their Isle of Wight trip. After work I was helping out with refreshments for the PTSA at the Year 6 parents meetings. It was so quiet even for the earlier session, we think people just didn’t bother because of the football. Despite it due to finish over an hour before it. So we left after the 1st session. Then back to watch England’s semi final vs the Netherlands. How we’ve managed to get to the final I don’t know, but it’s exciting they’ve done it. 

Thursday – in the office for a workshop. It was a good day, nice to see people face to face, and then out for a retirement leaving do in the evening. It’s handy when N’s away because I don’t have to arrange for the OH to be back from work early to sort him out if I need to go out.

Friday – short (and fairly quiet) work day. Actually finished on time.  Picked up N from his residential trip, they’d had a great time. Although he was miffed his dad went to the pub without him.

Saturday – woke with a headache which I couldn’t shift and didn’t do much because of it. OH had a hangover so he hogged the living room to sleep all day.

spring onion flower macro

New posts this week:

Things I’ve enjoyed this week:

  • good workshop at work
  • nice evening out for a former colleague’s leaving do, and seeing someone who movedto New Zealand a couple of years ago.
  • discovering a new regency romance author

Things I’m grateful for this week:

  • N had a good few days away with school. Sounds like they had a lot of fun
  • the weather was better than expected.
  • the Merlin app so I know which are the annoying birdsounds I can’t get out of my head (although it’s failing on one).

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  1. I hope N enjoyed his trip. Our school had enrichment days, no trips, they were actually good this year, based around Olympic experiences and visiting Llamas.

  2. The enrichment week at school sounds like a bit of a let down. Ahh! You can tell the end of term is coming up with all the trips.
    I hope your head is feeling better now. x