Project 52 2024 week 40
It’s week 40 of the year, and yay, the rain has finished (until next week). It’s been a busier week, and yet again colds have appeared for 2 of us. Here’s our week for Project 52.
Sunday – It was nice to see I was top of our Fantasy League for the week, and back up to 4th. Let’s see if I can get some good results again this week (probably not because they’ll all captain Haaland again, and I’ve not got him – I like to be different).
Monday – back to work and school. I nipped into work early just to drop off a team gift for someone leaving to go to another team, then back home and to work. Rest of the day was quiet.
Tuesday – very early start to go to London for work in the rain. I wore what I thought were comfy flat boots I’ve worn for years, but my feet are just used to trainers now (or summer ballet pumps), but soles had blisters on after the 15k steps. Went out for lunch too – I was worried about the menu because it was a vegan restaurant (not quite sure why, when there was only 1 in the group who was). The only choice I could have avoiding mushrooms, soy, beetroot and tofu was a sweet potato curry and pickled veg, and it was delicious. But very expensive when I think I can get a really good local burger in expensive pubs back home for the same price. My feet were too painful to go to the first of the beginners line dancing classes I’d planned to go to. Maybe next week.
Wednesday – just more work and school. Then the first indoor football training of the winter season given it’s getting too dark to play outside for long. The car park there is carnage with all the school children being picked up from school after sports.
Thursday – N had an early finish for school because there was the Year 6 open evening. They have to leave earlier still to catch the local bus from the village, but all had to run for it because they’d been let out late. He went off to help sileaging in the afternoon while I went to do refreshments for the PTSA for the open evening. We thought it was quite quiet compared with previous years, but maybe everyone was just spread out more across the evening. The old school still can’t be knocked down yet, so there’s no parking, which means the village is chaos for those arriving after the start.
Friday – inset day for school. I decided against taking a day off because N wasn’t going to come out for the day. So a short work day for me. My cold seems to be back again (joys of public transport in London presumably), but more sniffly this time but with a bit of a dry throat. It’s great working from home, but it does mean I’ve lost any immunity that I previously would have had. N has a cold too, but we’re testing negative for covid which is good.
Saturday – Despite his cold, N still managed to get out for his football match. They played so well. A big win, although 2 unfortunate goals against them – penalty and free kick for a yellow card. The wins to date will hopefully give them positive warm ups for the upcoming games against teams who we’re expecting to be stronger given the results so far. The rest of the day was chores – various washloads (we seem to be going through at least 1 extra load a week for some reason), dishwasher, making pudding. Then crossing my fingers for my Fantasy League team.

New posts this week:
Things I’ve enjoyed this week:
- Watching the boys win at football.
- A trip to London to see colleagues face to face
- N enjoyed reading. It may be costing me more in books, but I’m on the look out for all the possible options that he might enjoy.
Things I’m grateful for this week:
- Some nicer weather. Less rain and some warmth.
- Seeing the new school building on the open evening.
- Getting a new charging cable for my ipod. I may have no CD player in this car, but at least I’ve got all my ipod tunes I can play (I do need to update it, but I’m worried I’ll lose all the old cd uploads on it).
It has felt warmer for sure at this time of the year than usual. shame about your feet and the blisters. I’m enjoying being back in my winter boots.
Well done on being top of your Fantasy League for the week. Sorry to hear that the comfy flat boots weren’t quite as comfy as expected. Sorry to hear you’ve come down with another cold and hope you and N feel better soon. Well done to N and his team on another win at football. #project365
Ahh! Anyone with Haaland is bound to be doing well in the Fantasty League. I know very little about footbally but I know he’s pretty amazing.
I hope you and N are both feeling better now. I expected to have a cold by now after getting the bus every day with my youngest. x
Not the last 2 weeks though. Long may that continue, otherwise I’ll be heading back down again. I think it helps if you’re out and about all the time. Noone else seems to have caught anything I work with, and we were all on the tube or buses. Annoying, although I’d only just got over a lingering one from my Covid stint, so that could be why. I only really go in the office occasionally, and then to the theatre a lot. I’d have thought that would help with immunity.
Ouch to the blisters, I haven’t broken my boots out yet, but it won’t be long. Well done and being top of the Fantasy football league – I am top of the family one but sadly not work
It always feels too early for an Open evening when the new year 7’s are still settling in. I’m missing wearing my trainers after so long and my achilles isn’t liking me being back in my boots again. Good the football training has moved indoors now, too wet and cold for spectators and less mud in the car on the way home.
Definitely helps save the pitches if they’re not played on midweek