Project 52 2018 week 17 – cascades
Well, of course the beautiful weather of last week didn’t stay, so it’s been raining most days this week.
The week started with a sunny Sunday and a online photography course, local meet up at Blenheim Palace. Only 3 of us could make it, but I had a lovely time and we spend a few hours walking, making new discoveries there and taking photos. I’d definitely recommend photo walks if you’ve never been on one. They’re a great chance to talk photography, meet similar minded people, find new places to photograph and talk through any problems you’re having.
This week’s photo was taken at the cascades at Blenheim. I do love a long exposure shot – and with the bright sun, handheld was fine as the shutter speed didn’t need to be too slow.

The rest of the week was full of work, school and a very tired little boy. He fell asleep on the sofa at 5.30 one evening. We’re ending the week with a weekend of swimming, dinner at friends’, and then N has a party at a neighbour’s house.
Never heard of a photo walk but glad you enjoyed it and learnt something.
Hope he is not sickening for something
Blenheim sounds like the perfect place to go for a photography walk. I’ve never been there but looks fab. Lovely photos xx
Blenheim sounds like the perfect place to go for a photography walk. I love experimenting with water shots.
They’re so versatile to photograph aren’t they
The cascades were perfect to play around with shutter speeds weren’t they. Hope N recovered from his week ok #365
He did, although he has just fallen asleep on the sofa again. Really needs some good lie ins which don’t exist in his world. Doesn’t help that a day at home, is usually spent out on the farm
The weather was pretty rotten this week, wasn’t it?! The photo walk sounds great fun, though with my non-existent tech skills I probably would feel out of my breath. I love Blenheim, such a great location. The photo is excellent.
It’s large, just the palace grounds itself, but then the full estate is much larger again.
I really need after 4+ years to take my camera off auto, should sign up for some classes also
I definitely recommend a year with my camera. New round of lessons starts on the 1st I think. And it’s free
Lovely shot and very impressive hand held!
That’s a good capture for a hand held long exposure shot. I’d love to know what shutter speed you used. I wouldn’t trust myself not to get camera shake! #mysundayphoto
It was such a bright day, F22, ISO 200, shutter 1/13 – think I was just playing around with shutter speed to try and avoid it being overblown with all the white.
The weather has turned so dramatically, hasn’t it? Whereas last weekend was all barbecues, this weekend it’s back to board games.
We haven’t been to Blenheim for years – we must go with the kids some time.
I was sad to see the good weather go. Hope it comes back soon! #365
The photo walk sounds like a great idea to learn from others…
Fab photo x
Love that photo and I like the sound of a photo walk too!
Never been on a photo walk myself but sounds good. Really need to improve my photography! love that photo