Project 52 2021 week 18 – scrabble
Another week, another announcement from the government. This time confirmation of the green travel list – including some countries like Australia and New Zealand where they don’t let people in unless they’re from there, and other random islands that noone’s heard of. Not that we’ll be going abroad anyway so it won’t impact us. May’s brought us mixed weather so far – lots of wind, rain, hail, cold interspersed with a bit of sun and blue skies.
But onto our week 18 for Project 52.
On Sunday it was club tennis for N in the morning. It’s an informal session so they mostly do tennis based games. Afterwards N and his friend always want to play in the park. This time they asked to go on to a different park, so had 30 minutes there before we all headed home. I finished my latest puzzle and made some hair ties.
Monday was bank holiday. We didn’t have anything organised, although I did get round to decluttering and reorganising the main utility room cupboard. Now it’s easy to get to all the gift wrap and jiffy bags etc. Plus I’ve made some room for things like vases. N made some chocolate chip cookies. When he’s in the mood, he really likes baking and cooking. It’s just a shame he’s quite picky about what and when.
Tuesday was back to work and school. For dinner, they were having something carb based, so I got my homemade ricotta gnocchi out the freezer to have myself. I’ll definitely be making it again – very tasty and moreish. I have really enjoyed making all the different keto recipes and alternatives.
On Wednesday the weather was up and down. We ended up having to cancel N’s private tennis lesson, and then sod’s law, apart from one little shower, it ended up as quite a dry hour.
I’m still trying to chase the guy to send me an invoice for the bespoke size desk I’ve ordered. I’m not sure it has actually been ordered or not. I replied and asked how I pay given the item isn’t on the website. Confirmed my address and phone number as requested, and haven’t heard back since. I might have to ring on Monday and hope they’re more responsive than with emails. I tried 3 difference websites asking for bespoke sizes, but this one was the only response. So it’s a bit frustrating. Hopefully chairs won’t be as hard.
School confirmed that the Year 5 and 6 residential that was due to be straight after half term, isn’t going ahead. They couldn’t get a risk assessment or Covid plan from the venue, and with only a few weeks for all the payments to be in with potential for losing all the money if kids ended up having to go home and isolate, the decided it wasn’t suitable to go ahead. Hopefully they’ll be able to do something in July instead. I’m relieved because I had too many concerns, especially as it was happening ahead of the 21st June ‘opening up’. N would be happy just getting lots of tents and all camping out on the school fields!
Thursday I sold one of my jigsaw puzzles so had a trip to the post office. I have so many clothes to sell, and puzzles, I just need to get round to it. Especially as I’ve a stack of boxes saved for sending puzzles in. It was local elections day, so parking was horrendous in the village. N was happy a school because they’d got to play hockey (with new hockey sticks) and cricket).
I went to vote after tea. As usual I was the only person other than the 2 officals. I’d be surprised if the incumbent didn’t get in again – a) highly rural area b) he’s been in 20 years and c) he’s the only one with a photo, info and website to any information (and his was pretty light on facts). Labour website made you say yes to notifications to prove you weren’t a bot, then still didn’t let you in – all a bit dodgy, and I don’t want to sign up to any notifications on websites. Lib Dem guy didn’t even appear on their county website as a candidate – turns out the website was actually 2 years out of date. The green candidate had a photo and a random quote. So poor showing, and no wonder no-one else gets a look in. If they can’t be bothered to tell local candidates what they’re about locally, then why should people vote for them. All a bit rubbish.
Friday was a short work day as usual. N had a pretty good day at school and got on with his homework. We had a Next delivery of clothes for N I’d ordered at 11.30 two days before. I hadn’t got as far as ordering – went to my basket, then everything disappeared and I couldn’t work out where it had all gone, just a blank screen. So I added everything again, submitted and order completed. Only I’d ended up with 2 orders going through. With Next you can’t cancel (unless there’s a delay to the delivery). So the next day I ended up talking to them on twitter early morning trying to get them to cancel one. By the time they got back to me 7 hours later, they couldn’t do anything because it was all packed up. Of course it’ll cost me to send things back because I’m not trekking to the other side of town to the store, but they’ve said they’ll refund me any postage if I get charged.
Tennis group session was good because we found out his friend, the other green player, has been moved up to our group like he should have been in the first place. It was a frustrating session for all though, especially the coach, because one child insists on being argumentative, talking all the time, taking too long to pick up balls, and not doing what’s asked, so meaning everyone is distracted. The coach isn’t able to coach like he’d want to because he’s trying to get this child to do as he’s told. And it’s wasting so much time. I just want the parents to come along for the session, because he doesn’t behave like that when they’re around. Maybe he just needs to be ignored. If he joins in he joins in, otherwise he can just do his own thing and miss out.
Saturday was a lazy day. I got up a bit later, did some jigsaw, played some scrabble with N. I attempted to make a meringue roulade, but the meringue ended up still sticky and wouldn’t come off the paper. If it was me, I’d have eaten it anyway (constitution of an ox, but they’re more wary. But the fajitas were amazing (I have mine in lettuce leaves), and strawberries for afters is fine!

New posts this week:
We have no plans to go abroad either, Scotland is our holiday this year. Well done with your decluttering. I need to do some more of that, stuff soon builds up doesn’t it! Hope they manage to sort out something for July so the kids don’t miss out. Been such a tough time hasn’t it. Love fajitas, hadn’t thought about having them in lettuce leaves instead, might have to try that once!
Our residential has been cancelled too. I’m really hoping they think about camping on the school field instead. They did that one year. I hope you get your desk order sorted out. I don’t think they ever give you good information for the local vote #365
I don’t think I would be happy about a residential either. Let’s hope they manage something for July I think the tent idea is a good one! I also have stuff to sell but keep putting it off. I would have probably eaten the meringue too! Really need to get our scrabble board out.
I haven’t played Scrabble for a long time!
A shame about the residential but like you I think I would have been relieved too.
Sounds like a headache with the desk.
How lovely that N enjoys baking. The ricotta gnocchi sounds yummy. Frustrating to have to cancel N’s private tennis lesson with the rain only for it to stay dry after all. Hope you manage to get the invoice sorted soon for your desk. That’s disappointing that most of your local candidates weren’t good at providing information – how they expect people to vote for them without it is beyond me. Glad N’s friend has been moved up but frustrating to have one child being disruptive. #project365
The problem with voting round here is that one party is so far ahead I don’t think the others bother. We get no leaflets, no canvassers (I’m happy about that, but to not be able to find information online is poor.
We should have had a residential too, such a shame but I’m not sure I’d feel overall happy to let him go right now. What a nightmare about the desk #365
Shame about the coaches son messing things up for others, hopefully ignoring him might work. Hope you get your next refund without too much hassle, I prefer to shop off line becasue of errors like this
What a faff with the desk. It is frustrating when people don’t get back to you. It’s like they don’t want your business.
That sounds sensible about the school residential being cancelled. It seems too soon for things like that.
hehehe! I probably would have eaten the meringue too and your fajitas sound so good. x