Project 52 2020 week 19 – sunset over the farm
Week 7 of lockdown, week 19 of the year, and this is another Project 52. The week has been pretty good weather, the end of a week a little too hot for me, so I’ve mostly stayed indoors, apart from a fleeting sit outside with a book. I need to get some vitamin D and some fresh air more frequently.
Not much was done on Sunday. Some puzzles, N went out on the farm, washing and we had a really nice roast chicken for dinner. N proclaimed it the best roast I’d done (probably because it had cauliflower cheese with it!).
Monday was back working and school work. N was sent a mystery parcel from a craft company – a t-shirt painting kit. Eventually we worked out via a conversation with the company on facebook, that it was from my best friend. He had a great time creating the mask and sponging paint over. It looked really good and very professional. We have spare vinyl for masking and paint leftover, so if we get another t shirt he can do another design. This time he did a tennis theme and his initials.
On Tuesday N was really proud of the Lego volcano he made for his topic the day before so we emailed a mini video of it over to his teacher. We also had a call from the teacher who was doing his ring round everyone. N doesn’t say much – just answers questions yes or no – on calls, but I think he likes to hear from his teacher. I had a quick chat too, but it’s just nice to have that contact.
Wednesday was a painful maths day. It took ages to cut out, fold and stick 5 3D shapes (it wasn’t even on the worksheet to do!), and then the worksheet itself. So N was well behind by the time he was finished. I had a go at making some dinner rolls. I was quite impressed with them, and they were great with the burgers we had.
On Thursday there wasn’t really a lot going on. Just more of the same. It was a bit painful at work trying to get people the right access to folders, and meant I didn’t get my report written ahead of the bank holidays. I re-trimmed N’s hair with some hairdressing scissors I’d ordered. I did the sides and round the ears this time. I thought it looked quite good. Now N’s hair is longer, it looks much thicker as well. He’s got fine hair like mine rather than thick and coarse like his dad’s.
Friday was a bad food day. Too many carbs, too many things with sugar in, and it didn’t improve on Saturday either. Already felt a bit leaden by the end of the day. I’m hoping that the evening dance classes I’m doing most evenings will at least keep me on an even keel. But next week will definitely have to be a better week dietwise. I have been digging out some old smaller tops to try on and use, so hopefully getting into those will make me stick to better eating again.
Friday was the VE day bank holiday. We didn’t do anything (other than N’s school work being VE day themed this week). The village had said someone was going to play some music on the green just before the 11am silence, so people could go and listen. We’re outside the village so I have no idea what went on. But I do think it was a bad idea with all the promotion of doing ‘community’ celebrations. Fine, do things in your gardens at the same time, but looking online, it feels like there were way too many streets of people out and about, mixing too closely for this lockdown.
Today, another lockdown haircut happened. Yes, the clippers were out and N the OH have been shorn. The OH’s looks ok – if a little tufty in one place. But N’s is way too short – he looks scalped on the sides and back, with patches where his skin’s showing. It should have been kept a little longer but it’ll grow. I’ve got so used to his hair being left a little longer over the last year, he doesn’t look much like him anymore.
Saturday was another glorious day. N and I started with a bit of tennis in the garden before one of the pups appeared and the tennis balls had to be put away. She’s the first dog on the farm who’s actually played with tennis balls. Most of them are oblivious to them, but this likes fetching and she’ll drop it for you as well. We need to work on sit without a treat, and stay. But she’s getting better, as long as she’s not distracted.
I also did a trip to the local shop. Four in the queue ahead of me, but they obviously had a lot of stock in this morning (apart from flour – good job I’ve been able to get it elsewhere – except self raising I could still do with getting). I spent much of the day doing my jigsaw while N was out on the farm, and catching up with some reading. I had a bit of a headache – too much sugar yesterday, and the heat I think. It’s too hot for me, I’d be happy with 20C.
This week’s photo was taken at sunset one day this week overlooking our neighbour’s hill where some of our cattle are at the moment.

Sorry to hear that the maths was a pain, we have been struggling with that too. I need to brave the clippers but a bit scared of scalping mine
The boys need haircuts soon, their hair is growing wild! Hope the diet goes well, I am eating anything in sight and don’t think that will change anytime soon!
Lovely sunset picture!
The lego volcano sounds interesting. Might have to try something like that with Bee.
I have been tempted to cut Bee’s hair but she won’t let me anywhere near it!
Do make sure you get Vit D and fresh air. OoOoOoo roast chicken. The t-shirt painting kit and Lego volcano sounds fun. True, you should cut down on carbs for your own health. That’s a lovely sunset
What a beautiful scene. The cauliflower cheese sounds nice.
We’ve not heard much from the teachers. The kids do their stuff via google classroom xx
there is a big temperature drop this week thankfully, I agree last week was to warm.
Glad he is getting out on the farm and is finding lots of things to do.
This school work is causing a lot of stress in a lot of houses by the sound of things.
Beautiful sunset over the farm. Glad that you and N got to play some tennis together. The T-shirt painting kit sounds like it was fun. We kept our VE Day party to the back garden – some of our neighbours were out in the front garden but I think they were all quite good at maintaining distances. I’m sure there were a lot of parties where that went out of the window after a few drinks though. #project366
The craft kit sounds great – how lovely to get a surprise through the post ! Oops, sorry to hear you’ve had a lockdown haircut nightmare ! Oh well, it’ll grow back ! I wouldn’t mind it being too hot here for a change – it’s been pouring hard for the last two days 🙁
What a lovely view! It’s lovely that your friend sent N a gift that was a craft project to keep him busy. Good luck with the diet.
Oh dear my poor boys had lock down hair cuts when they were younger, used to send them to the neighbours to be done. The t shirt printing kit sounds fun, glad N worked out who it came from. No street parties here, only a few houses decorated. Love the sunset photo, hopefully the weather will be better for you this week
A beautiful scene! I’ve committed a lockdown haircut crime on my DH. Every time I look at him now, I feel bad.
Cauliflower cheese sounds tasty. I’d be happy to eat it on its own, with a nice chunk of bread.
I wish Eddie’s teachers would call, even once would be nice. All communication is via Seesaw app, just short phrases of approval on the tasks done.
You are brave with the haircuts! I’ve been tying mine back and leaving it alone, cannot wait to have a trim and freshen up when safe to do so though! So nice to hear your son’s teacher rings to check on his pupils, ours have gone somewhat AWOL! It can never be too hot! Yesterday was absolutely glorious – odd how it changed in the blink of an eye, I watched trees bending backwards this morning… let’s hope the sun makes another reappearance soon! Sim x #Project365
What a lovely gift from your friend. It sounds like it kept N busy.
We had a phone call from my youngest girls form tutor and it was lovely. It was nice to speak to someone different.
What a beautiful photo x
The Tshirt craft kit sounds lovely. Sorry to hear your diet has slipped a bit this week. I’m sure you will get back on track next week. It must be hard keeping up with a diet like that.
Hopefully it won’t take N’s hair too long to grow back! My eldest did a charity head shave right at the end of February, so he literally went bald. His hair is still pretty short now, but it looks normal at least. My younger son had a buzz cut as soon as school ended and it actually looked really nice. My husband keeps wanting to cut it again, but he hasn’t decided if he wants to keep it short.