Project 52 2019 week 24 – Brio
This week’s been wet. Very wet. And there’s not really much been going on with us. Here’s week 24.
On Sunday N came back from the sleepover he went on. He was exhausted but wanted to go to the Banbury and District Show in town. We only stayed for an hour or so – it was a bit hot for me, and very crowded. We watched a few displays in the ring and played mini golf which was a new addition this year, then had some lunch. It’s always a nice day out, and free to go.
Monday was a busy work day. We’re having a bit of a nightmare with contactors not delivering on time, so we’ve spent most of the week trying to move things on ourselves. Surprisingly with the rain, N’s after school tennis club was still on as they switched to inside.
Tuesday had me trying to get hold of both Wimbledon ballot return tickets and Kidsweek theatre tickets. I didn’t get either, but did just get normal tickets for School of Rock instead. N’s private tennis lesson still happened, missing the rain.
Wednesday was just a normal work and school day, as was Thursday. Finally the results from the weekend’s tennis match went on the LTA website, and in N’s league of 6 teams, he’s now top of the player statistics for number of matches won. Only actual numbers, not %, but ir’s nice for him to see his name at the top even if that changes next week. His teammate is just behind him.
Friday was a quieter day at work. This week N had looked out some of his toys he wanted to sell on so he can save up for an Xbox. I don’t really want the Brio to be sold, but we don’t have anywhere to store it for N to pass to his children. The day ended with N’s tennis lesson. Only 5 of the mini reds turned up, so N and his team mate who’re in the more advanced red group, got to practice serve placement with one coach, while the others were learning more basic serves,
Saturday was a quiet day. Swimming had been cancelled, but N wanted to stay home to play with his cousin who’d just come home after a school residential. There was no sign of him anyway. Instead the OH had a friend over to help on the farm and he brought his 2 sons with him, so N played out with them for a bit. I did food and father’s day shopping.

well done to N being on top of the leader board at tennis. We’ve stored the boys lego over the years for them to pass on to their kids and lugged it half way round the world.
Sorry for the late comments, I’m on catch up after travelling for 3 weeks.
I’ve so many toys I would like to keep for the boys to pass on, but it’s difficult to find the room. Good that he’s saving by selling his old bits though. I am trying to encourage monkey to start some saving goals x
Well done to N for being a top player, what a star. It isn’t easy to store toys is it? It isn’t always easy to keep them all x
We are currently having a clear out of toys…just don’t have the space to store stuff either!
Well done on the tennis league!
It’s funny how attached we get to toys. I am still holding on to a Lamaze Dragon despite my eldest acknowledging it’s more of a baby toy and my Mum has in her possession the Fabuland I used to play with. #365
I got rid of everything apart from a few books from my children and regretted it when the grandkids came along but had no reason to hold onto the stuff really.
Glad rain did not stop play, and nice he had a few different people to play with
Oh no that’s sad. The wooden railway is going nowhere here still. Well done on the tennis league. Forgot about that show, always worry about parking in Banbury at the best of times #365
Parking was ok, when we got there, but it doesn’t help that the multistorey is only single floor, at least half (if not more) of Castle quay parking is now building works, and the spiceball parking the canal side is gone for building too.
It does sound like a nightmare at work.
That looks like a fab train set x
Big well done to N for being a top player this week. We have the same problem with storing toys. We have had a few boxes of Brio, which look as good as new, but storing them for potential grandchildren is not feasible, so we offered them to the local nursery.