Project 52 2019 week 34 – theatre show
Week 5 of the summer holidays has been a good one although there’s been lots going on. Despite me being at work, there’s been things organised and start of the week fun in London.
Here’s week 34 of Project 52.
Sunday was a great day out in London. We went in to see School of Rock, but of course added some other things to our trip. Nice food, pop up Disney displays, the theatre and more. If you’ve not seen School of Rock, we definitely recommend it. N loved it and didn’t even think about getting bored.
Monday I was back at work. It was a nice quiet week with so many people off work. Not much happened at work all week, although I had Friday off on flexi leave.
N spent the week with various people. Doing corn cart with his dad, a bit of sheep dipping with his uncle, and helping out with the pheasant delivery. This didn’t go so well as the first day they spotted a buzzard hovering around the pen, and a few of the little pheasants escaped. Hopefully the buzzard can be scared off with some scarers.
I spent most of Tuesday night searching for hotels and mini break places for the end of the holidays for N and me. The OH can’t come with us due to harvest. After a nightmare trying to book the final night in a different hotel it got sorted out by Thursday.
Thursday night we got a call at 8.00 just as N was going off to bed, to ask if we could get fish and chips and take it to the field for the 3 of them working. That order changed to MacDonalds so we did a quick trip into town to buy their tea. Then N had to direct me to the field they were working in a few villages away. I don’t often get involved with the farm, and never go out to the fields anymore, but it was quite nice to be doing that again. It was lovely to see the combine and tractors in the field, driving up the track and across the fields to take their food (in my Volvo!). The sunset was spectacular from there as well. The inlaws were heading over with some drinks for them, so N stayed with the men, then Granny and Gramp brought him back home. It was a late night for him.
Friday I had a flexi day off work. I was aiming for a quiet day sorting things out before a busy weekend. But it was all over the place – food shop, getting N’s hair cut. Plus we’d said we’d go and get N’s xbox one he’s saved up for. Last time he decided that rather than just buying the pre-owned one for £150, he’d wait til he had a bit more money to be able to get a game as well. Today he had enough. Except the preowned one was actually £169 and the guy wouldn’t knock the £4 off. It’s better value to get a bigger storage, faster version brand new which includes 3 games.
So we’ve got another plan for him over 5 weeks (or maybe earlier if he does extra chores), so he’ll be able to afford a better one and get the 1 game he really wants. N’s happy enough with the plan although disappointed. But now the OH is sticking his oar in and saying he and the nephew will find a better deal so he can get it now. I’m not happy because N needs to learn that he can earn pocket money by doing chores, which will get him what he wants, and the satisfaction of getting it on his own. The OH will probably ignore warranties, condition and storage, and just go for the cheapest. I won’t be impressed if he does.
On Saturday, we were off to Big Feastival. I’ve never been before, but fancied trying it. N moaned a lot…because ‘it’s all food and there’s no rock music’. Sigh. Hopefully he’ll enjoy it once he’s there.
This week’s photo is from the School Of Rock.

It’s always fun visiting the farms. School of Rock sounds exciting
Sounds like a lovely evening on the farm, good job you’ve got a volvo, but I suspect you need one living on a farm. I hope you and your husband resolve the issues with the game console and N carries on earning his pocket money for the next one
Oh not heard of School of Rock…looks interesting!
Hope you enjoyed the festival.
Hop you have a good day at Feastival today. When we went several years ago, there was plenty of music, but I was more interested in the food stalls (I was invited to write about the event as a food blogger then).
I’ve never seen the School of Rock, as I generally am not a fan of musicals, but Eddie might enjoy it.
The school of rock looks fab. I loved the film, would love to see that. What a busy week you’ve had but fun and great photos too xxx
That sounds like a great show. I struggle with Monkey at shows because of his attention span! May try this one. Glad you got your trip sorted out. Sorry to hear about the X Box, hope it won’t take long for him to save up for the new one. I agree with you re the lessons and its something we are starting to instil in Monkey.
You are quite right to teach N he needs to save and look for good deals, least then he is happy with what he eventually ends up with and respects it all the more than having it handed to him on a plate.
Many wives get involved in the running of the farm and when we lived on one the wife and daughters helped with the harvest and drove the tractors. But not every bodies cup of tea, luck for them N knew where they were. Hope he was not to grumpy the next day with being up late.
Frustrating that the xbox deal wasn’t as first thought. It can be really disappointing for them. It’s good to save up and get something though I think. H recently did that with his Switch console.
I hope you and N enjoyed Big Feastival. I’ve not been before, but I’m pretty sure there is rock music there! Glad you both enjoyed School of Rock. My daughter and I loved it when we saw it at Christmas.
I hope N gets the right Xbox in the end. He’s done really well to save his money.
I really want to see School of Rock. It sounds like an amazing show!
It sounds like N has been busy on the farm.
We have been watching the farmers all around us doing their harvesting thing and it’s fascinating. My youngest sat in a combine harvester a few days ago (one of my dad’s friends) and thought it was brilliant!
I think you are right with your plan when it comes to the xBox. Your boy needs to learn about earning money, doing chores and paying for things, not getting things with a shortcut. Grr!
I definitely recommend School of Rock. You can try for lottery tickets to get them cheap and then pay the extra for other tickets, or book a long way out and get really good price tickets. Because it’s a small theatre, there’s not meant to be any seat that’s bad.
Sounds like a really busy week. School of Rock looks amazing, I’d love to see that.