bridge of sighs oxford

Project 52 2018 week 36 – colourful Oxford

Project 52 this week has obviously been about back to school and work.

Sunday was just catching up with the return from holiday, blogging and getting clothes washed. Plus making an attempt to empty the car ready for its service.

Monday the car was in Oxford for a service and its first MOT. N refused to come to Oxford with me so he spent most of the day on the farm with his dad.  I had a lovely morning in Oxford, doing a bit of a photo walk, having delicious lebanese food in Comptoir Libanais, and just generally wandering down back streets, around Balliol College and going up St Mary’s University Church for the views.  I wrote it up in a post about instagrammable colourful Oxford.

bridge of sighs oxford

Tuesday was another inset day and N was at tennis camp so I spent the morning (getting a bit wet) at Hanbury Hall making the most of my National Trust pass. Before heading back home for a coffee shop late lunch and blog session, bumping into a friend and her boys.

The rest of the week was back to work and school. N’s gone into juniors, year 3 and is already getting lots of homework (the first weekend homework is not welcomed by either of us, and there’s so far no clear detail on when work needs to be done by. He thinks Monday). But otherwise, he’s enjoying the class move, and is back at cross country club and choir.

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    1. Crikey, he’s lucky. We’ve had spellings plus putting them into sentences. And today h forgot his homework book so couldn’t write up his story in his class english book, or on another piece of paper, so he had to start another story from scratch. The first took about 2 hours in total, so I can’t imagine what he wrote in class was much.

  1. We went to Hanbury Hall last weekend too. It’s about our quickest to get to property (apart from maybe the Birmingham Back to Backs). Hope the homework settles down.

  2. Oh Oxford’s very own Bridge of Sighs. Caught between the Turf Tavern and radcliffe Camera, it really is between a rock and a hard place. Oh you’re msking me homesick. #mysundayphoto

  3. What a beautiful picture! It looks so peaceful. Year 3 sounds very grown up. I’m sure all schools like to hit kids hard with lots of homework when they first go back, then it gradually starts to dwindle as the year wears on.

  4. The bridge of sighs! We were there on Thursday and funnily enough was going to post a picture of the Bodleian this week for #MySundayPhoto – my mummy was visiting the A Discovery of Witches book signing and screening at the Ashmolean and Waterstones in Oxford!

  5. Ah, Hertford’s Bridge of Sighs. That takes me back – I used to walk across it all the time to get to their college bar!

    Haven’t tried Comptor Libanais yet. We’ve tried a couple of the restaurants in the street food area of the new Westgate and up on the roof terrace (Pho is my favourite). Oxford has always had a good selection of restaurants but it has become even better the past 2-3 years, I think.

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