Project 52 2020 week 39 – cows on the hill
It’s week 39 of Project 52 for this year, and coronavirus continues with big rises in the UK. Our school is still clear of cases (just the dreaded colds going round), although some of the surrounding areas outside ours have increased. Lots more local restrictions in the north and Wales, with rule of 6 being drummed into us again, and pubs and hospitality now table service only and they have to close at 10pm. I’ve downloaded the Government’s Covid app although I rarely have bluetooth on, so each time I go out I need to remember to turn it on.
Onto this week’s round up, which has been fairly bland given we’re not going anywhere other than school, tennis and working from home.
Sunday we played quite a bit of the game Splendor. We go through phases of playing games, but had this as one of a set of review games, and it’s gone down well. First time he’d beaten me, so he was happy!
Work day on Monday, and back to school. In the evening I did a bit of crafting to make a Christmas garland, so at some point will get that written up. I would usually do Christmas posts some time before Christmas to get them going on Pinterest, but I’m planning to do Blogmas this year. So I’m stacking up posts and prepping pins ready to schedule for the daily publication. About 6 posts written, but it’s slow going as it’s weird writing now when you don’t feel Christmassy.
On Tuesday there wasn’t much going on. x The weather started getting chilly. There was a buzzard flying around the garden and field behind a lot, so I tried to get some photos, not very successfully.
Wednesday I started getting a bit of a sore throat and headache. I’d obviously caught N’s cold as he was getting rid. The house martins and swifts are still around. It feels like they’re a bit late migrating this year. Was lovely watching so many of them flying around although so hard to get a decent photo.
N had his first private tennis lesson since the summer holidays. Long time coming and with the Friday coach, not one of the more experienced ones we wanted. It took N quite a long time to get into it, just as he was hitting better shots, the rain came. It was way too heavy to continue, so ended up having to abort the lesson. Hopefully next lesson will extend for another 15 mins to make it up. The coach seems nice, and luckily uses the same tennis grip himself, which was one of the things we wanted a coach to be able to continue to teach N.
On Thursday I felt really rough. Headache, stuffy sinuses, glands felt up, and runny nose. I felt a bit dizzy and shivery at one point. I got through my calls in the morning, then had a flexi afternoon and just slept til school pick up. Dosed up on cold and flu tablets and got the throat spray out. Felt a bit better in the evening.
Friday was Macmillan coffee morning at school. As they couldn’t hold it in the normal way, instead they did a drive through pick up, where you ordered your drink the day before. It made a lot more money than usual too, so it worked really well.
Tennis was on in the evening. The group is now 10, up from 6 last year. There’s more of a mix of abilities too, so although 4 of them get split off to one court to play at green level, they’re not really moving forward as fast as they were last year. I’m hoping it’s just the coach getting used to them, but they’ve been doing the same thing for 3 weeks. They don’t seem to be getting through much in the lesson. N’s enjoying it, but all they’ve done is the same exercise for 3 weeks. Hopefully moving onto backhand will be more productive next week.
Saturday was a lazy one. I spent most of it cooking – beef stew in the slow cooker, and then trying out a Tuxedo cheesecake. It was a bit of a faff, and turned into a giant dessert, but at least it’ll keep us going for the next 3 days. I also cleared out the utility room as the aga and boiler is being serviced on Tuesday and he’ll need to get in there. Hopefully it’ll be fixed and we’ll have some heat again. I’m feeling a bit better today, although my nose still isn’t clearing, and have a catarrh-y throat. That’s 3 days full blown, so hopefully Sunday will see it improving a lot.
This week’s photo is looking out of the window with the cows on the hill behind. The gates between a few fields are open so they’re roaming around a lot. Give it a month and more cold weather and they’ll be brought into the barns for winter.

New posts this week:
Cases have been rising here as well and schools have closed down but my college is still open. Hmm I wonder what the app does. It’s quite early for Christmas posts. Shame the tennis lesson was aborted due to rain. OoOoOo beef stew. Tuxedo cheesecake? That’s a first. That’s a lovely picture of the fields
You have such a beautiful view, I would love to live on a farm. Such a shame that N’s lesson was rained off
Gosh I hadn’t thought how fundraisers would work. A drive through coffee morning sounds quite novel though. I hadn’t heard of a Tuxedo cheesecake, but just googled it and it looks amazing! Three days worth of dessert sounds perfect to me.
I will have to get Splendor. Never played it before.
Love the view from your window!
I tend to have bluetooth on a lot but I am usually always home so had to turn off the tracing bit…have to remember to put it on when go out.
What a shame N’s tennis lesson had to be aborted because of the rain. Hope the next lesson goes well. Sorry to hear that you’ve been unwell this week too – hope you are feeling better now. #project366
Hope you are feeling better. We have all had colds too and suspect there will be more to come. Although thankfully the schools are still okay at the moment. I am so impressed you have some posts scheduled for Christmas I haven’t even thought about anything outside of gift guides. Must find more hours in the day.
You’re so lucky to have that view. Hope you’re feeling better now, we’ve all caught colds this week here. #366
Thanks, it’s still dragging on although N’s is over now.
Lovely to see the cows roaming the countryside, it looks so lovely and green with you. Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling under the weather. The drive through coffee morning sounds an excellent idea. Did you see a female tennis player refused to play in the French Open because it was too cold? Well done to N for persevering
No I didn’t, but I did notice they were all in long sleeves and extra tops for the court staff/ball kids.
Thankfully my girls school and college is free from Coronavirus too but there is so many colds and bugs going around. I hope you are feeling better now. I need to get my head around switching the bluetooth on my phone too so the app works properly.
Good luck with Blogmas. I have a couple of posts scheduled for December already but it is hard to do them when you don’t feel Christmassy.
That sounds like a really good idea with the Macmillan coffee morning at school.
What an amazing view you have from your window. x
It still looks summery out on the hillside – glad the cows are making the most of it. Hope the new tennnis coach works out for N.