Project 52 2020 Week 4 – tulip petal
Week 4 of Project 52 for 202, and it’s been a busy one at work with lots of reports published around my project. And then just a week left until our event.
On Sunday it was N’s birthday party. He took 5 friends bowling with him, and they had pizza on the lanes. My amazing looking bowling ball cookies did smudge a bit in the cellophane – next time I’ll actually take note of the recipe and bake the icing to set! They had a great time and N was pleased to get a strike.
Monday was work and school. I had to make birthday cake – N asked for a victoria sponge and for the first time I had to bake it in the Aga. It turned out brilliantly, so evidently baking in there is the way to go in future! N already got victoria sponge for pudding at Granny’s but he insisted I still made him one too.
Tuesday was birthday day. He was treated twice because had cake and candles at his friend’s house where he goes after school on Tuesdays, plus them singing happy birthday. Then at home got cake as well. He got some fabulous gifts too.
On Wednesday it was a new routine. I had a flexi afternoon, so nipped to the shops, had some lunch and sat in a coffee shop and blogged. I struggled to find somewhere to eat lunch without carbs – after 2 coffee shop attempts, I ended up having a McDonalds chicken and bacon salad. Then drank water while I blogged. I then picked up N early to take him to a private tennis lesson. Usually he goes during school time, but that coach has left. It was a good floodlit session. I just need to make sure we can get him there each week.
On Thursday I got my Christmas present from my best friend. It was a Letterbox Bakery subscription for 3 months. A lovely gift, but I can’t eat it. So work benefited.
Friday was our big publication day at work. My project’s milestone report was published along with 4 other associated reports. Lots of media work for colleagues, and hopefully a good lead up to next week’s event. I had the 3 boys to take to tennis. One of the boys was so sweet, he’d bought N a birthday present of hair gel. He does have lovely friends.
Saturday was a day to myself as they were off shooting for the day. I had a hair appointment with a new hairdresser. She cut my hair unlike anyone else I’ve ever been to – cut it in a centre parting, then cut all the layers in while it was wet. Everyone else cuts it to my usual parting and then cuts he layers in when it’s dry. It looks ok so we’ll see how I get on with it tomorrow when I have to style it.
This week’s Project 52 photo is a macro of a petal from one of my dead tulips.

Happy belated birthday to N. That tulip petal looks amazing. Almost like a graphic in it’s colour
Aww happy birthday to N. Sounds like lots of cake and fun at bowling!
Shame you couldn’t try anything from the bakery subscription!
Happy birthday to N! That’s alot of cake and happy that your victorian sponge turned out well.
I hope the hairstyle suits you and you like it
That is lovely that work benefited from your Christmas present but a shame you missed out on it. Sounds like N had a lovely birthday with lots of cakes and gifts xx
Love the colour of that petal. Hope N had a great birthday, what’s not to love about lots of birthday cake! #366
Lovely that work benefited from your Christmas present but a shame you missed out. Sounds like N had a lovely birthday and lots of cakes and presents
Wow that petal is beautiful, such gorgeous colours. Hope N had a great time at his party. Nice to get a day to yourself, I hope your hair worked out okay.
He had a great party thanks. My hair is ok, but there’s things she didn’t do that will need to be done next time. The first time with someone knew is always painful. Hopefully next time will be better.
What a gorgeous colour of the petal! Beautiful image. Happy belated birthday to N! Glad he enjoyed his two cakes on one day. I have never cooked in Aga, but a friend has an Aga and cooks the most delicious meals in it, including super cakes.
What a pity about the gift, can your men eat the bakes, even if you can’t?
Agas are great for many things, but take some practice to use properly
Love that macro shot of the tulip petal – what a beautiful colour. Glad that N enjoyed all his birthday celebrations and that the cake turned out so well in the Aga. #project366
Happy Birthday to N! Sounds like he had a lot of fun. Hope you are happy with your hair.
Happy birthday to N! It sounds like he’s had a lovely few days of celebrating. Glad to hear that your work project went so well. You must have been nervous getting your hair cut in a different way. I hope you are happy with it this morning.
That is a stunning photo. I would never have guessed it was a tulip petal!
Thanks. I’m never too sure on the clarity when I use manual nowadays because I’m sure my eyes are pretty rubbish close up. Might have to try using my reading classes to see if that helps.
It sounds like N had a great birthday party. I’m glad the cake worked out well. What a lucky boy to hhave more than one cake.
Oh no! What a shame you can’t enjoy your Christmas present from your friend. I bet the people at work are happy.
Wow! That photo is amazing. There is so much detail x
I think work think I’ve turned into a feeder. I also took in some birthday cake as it wasn’t getting eaten fast enough herre.
Sounds like H well and truly got a lot out of stretching his birthday and the cakes. Happy belated birthday to him.
Never cooked with an aga though we had one for the 6 yrs we lived on the farm.
Great texture on the petal.
Agas are great for some things (plus are always on!), but more complicated for other things.