Project 52 2019 week 47 – new bed
This week has had a bit of excitement compared with normal. And of course a lot of rain. Here’s week 47 of Project 52.
On Sunday we had a lazy day. We nipped into Waitrose and bumped into one of my old NCT friends and her daughter. I’ve not seen them for about 2.5-3 years and it was lovely to have a brief catch up over a hot chocolate. It was a shame she didn’t have her son with her as it would have been interesting to see how much he’s grown up, and how he and N would get on. The rest of the day, N cleared out the remaining bits on the floor in his room ready for the new bed delivery.
Our internet went down on Sunday (4th week on the trot having Sunday issues) with a major issue up the road) and was out for most of Monday. This wasn’t helpful as Monday was the first day in months I needed to work from home. We had to head into work before school drop off to download everything I needed onto my desktop so I could work offline. N loves coming into the office with me, even though there’s only usually about 3 people in when I’m there with him. Luckily the work was manageable and I could access emails on my phone until the internet was back on by 4pm.
Monday was delivery day for N’s new bed. He’d been so excited since we ordered it. I’m quite jealous because it’s a lovely bed, so firm and comfy, and has so much storage – it’s really going to remove all his toys from his shelving unit and the floor.
On Tuesday the bed was filled up with all of N’s toys. He’s started spending a lot more time up there – he likes sitting on his bed watching Youtube. Not quite what I wanted so we’ll have to make a rule of no electronics upstairs. At work an old colleague came in at lunch to give some of us hair sparkles. I only had 6 put in for a bit of sparkle and I’m not expecting them to stay for long in my hair. N hates them and the OH hasn’t even noticed. They’re just a bit of fun (although I did comb one out the following day).
On Wednesday I was at our annual work conference in Oxford. It’s always nice to catch up with people I don’t work with or see often if they’re home based or from our Welsh office. And going on the train with everyone is like having a school trip out.
Thursday not much happened. Just another work and school day. I did get woken at 6.06am by N wafting a torch in my face. His sore throat was back again and he was panicking about tonsillitis. I think it’s just a sore throat, so he’s now mainlining kiwi fruit and oranges in the hope of warding off too much of a cold.
Friday was the slowest day out. By 10am I’d felt like I’d been at work forever, rather than just an hour. Tennis was on despite it being cold and a bit wet. Thankfully N doesn’t feel the cold, and he ended up king of the cones, hitting a lot more targets than the others. It’s so noticeable how much they’ve all improved. The coach has worked them hard, but it’s a nice group, they all get on well (all but 2 go to the same school), have a lot of fun while playing, and they get a good 1 1/2 hour session. Afterwards it was a treat fish and chip takeaway for tea. Well, scampi for N and the OH, and I had battered halloumi (I’m not a fish fan).
On Saturday I managed to sleep in til 8. A luxury, not least because I usually wake to my alarm at 6.40 or just before then needing a pee, even if N doesn’t wake me up. We did a quick food shop, stop for hot chocolate at Costa, and nip to the bakery before N’s swimming lesson. He missed last week due to the shoot, so I was surprised he was straight back into it. All the work his teacher helped him with on breast stroke in the last class was worth it. His stroke is really clean compared with most of the others in this level. He always goes last in his lane because he’s not the fastest (they split into a girls and boys lane), and they had to race against their equivalent in the other lane. Not only did he beat the much taller and older girl he was racing, but also overtook the boy and girl racing ahead of him.
We went to a pop up Christmas market at a nearby farm where N knows the farmers as we did some harvesting there, and sometimes have sheep that way. It was very disappointing as it was mostly baby wear and accessories with a few craft makers stalls. We were in and out in 15 minutes. A total waste of time. N’s sore throat is lurking and he wasn’t too keen on food but hopefully he’ll still be ok for his tennis tomorrow.

The bed looks brilliant and to have all that extra storage sounds brilliant. I think I would like to try some hair sparkles! Glad swimming is going so well.
The new bed looks fab, seems like a long time ago when you ordered it. The Sunday internet issue sounds bizarre, do you think they’re doing works on it?
Oh the bed looks lovely! Always handy to have storage.
Sounds like N is doing really well with his swimming! Well done.
glad he likes his new bed and hopefully it will help him be more organised.
hate it when you make the effort to support local ventures like that bit it does not hold any appeal when you get there.
ooh love the look of the new bed. I hope you got a long lie. And I am hoping the sore throat has eased up xx
His new bed looks great! It sounds like he’s doing really well with his swimming. I hope his sore throat has gone away. Love that he ate so much fruit in an effort to get rid of it.
The new bed looks great – bet N likes it. Sounds like he is doing really well at swimming.
How lovely to catch up with your NCT friend.
Ugh! How frustrating with your internet not working.
That looks like a fab bed for N.x
The bed looks very impressive. Glad swimming is going so well #365
Oh the bed looks great! Storage space is always needed!
Glad you managed to get a lie in on Saturday!
Hope the sore throat doesn’t get worse and he’s ok for tennis.