Radio rocker

Today is/was Radio 2’s Today programme – all day they’re celebrating the orchestra, and on each show they’ve got different orchestral sections playing pop music and the like.

Having played clarinet and saxophone (with a smattering of piano chucked in) throughout school and uni, and having loved being part of orchestras throughout, I really want to give N the opportunity to listen to different music and play an instrument if he wants to when he’s older.  He loves playing my piano when we’re at my mum’s house, but I think I’m on a losing battle getting the OH to agree to me having it at ours (I think every house where there’s room, should have a piano, but he just thinks it’ll become a dumping ground).

This morning on the 5 minute drive to nursery we had Chris Evans’ show on and it was great to hear the brass section playing ‘fat bottomed girls’ by Queen.  N was loving it.  He was waving his arms around.  When the news came on he wasn’t impressed, shouting ‘more rock’.  Sorry sweetheart, I can’t just turn on specific music when it’s the radio!

I think it’s a great idea having popular music stations talking to musicians of all types, as it’s a great way of making classical music more approachable for people who wouldn’t usually dream of listening to any or taking up an instrument.

I’ve tried playing N Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, and Peter and the Wolf, but so far it’s not interesting enough to hold his attention.  Maybe I need to locate my ‘Hooked on Classics’ cds as he’d probably love dancing round the room to those.

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