School days – last week of Foundation stage
N’s school year finished a week ago, but due to our camping trip, I’m behind in writing up that final week’s school days post. The most important one of the year…although I’m planning to do an overview of the year for him to be able to look back on.
It’s been a great year for N at school. He might not have had the glowing reports that everyone else is sharing all over social media, but apart from his writing, he’s hitting all the levels he should be, and loving school. The latter is more important to me at the moment, especially because his dad hated school and has nothing to do with it now, even with N being there.

Now I’m just hoping something clicks in year 1 and he starts being more eager to read and write.
Here’s the final week of school days for N:
Tennis referral
I’ve mentioned many a time about N’s enjoyment in playing tennis, and I’m so chuffed that the coach at the after school tennis club has referred N (one of 2 children) to join the club programme. N seemed pleased to have been recommended to carry on tennis outside of school, and hopefully he’ll do well at it and keep enjoying it. Thankfully the suitable session for him is on Fridays and we can make that time. Whoop. It’ll also mean I get to watch him play as well.
Watching N playing football with other older boys while we were camping (and his hitting a ball rounders style, and golf), it’s certainly showing that he takes after me at ball sports generally. I overheard 2 of the boys saying ‘N’s good at football, he’s only 5’, and a couple of the mums asked if he played football at the after school club. Maybe he’s better than I thought at football too. He’s only just started showing an interest in playing, but still said no when the mums suggested he try the club. Maybe tennis will be his thing, and he’ll just enjoy the other sports within school PE lessons.
Moving up day
N’s school do a moving up day in the last week of the year. That’s the day that the new reception children come to spend the morning or day at school, and all the other children go into their new classroom. N’s staying where he is for the moment in the joint Year 1/reception class, with 5 other year 1s.
N seemed quite comfortable being a ‘year 1’ and meeting the new reception children. One is a boy from nursery he gets on well with, so he’s not feeling so bad with his best friend moving up a class without him. Hopefully it won’t be long before N gets writing and moves up as well.
School disco
Yet again N refused to go to the school disco. I thought with his friends going he might have done, but he was determined that he wouldn’t go. Instead he enjoyed after school club with his friend from year 1. They were quite happy missing it.
It surprises me that N wouldn’t want to go because he loves to dance. But maybe it’s the thought of the dark, the lights, and the noise that he doesn’t like the idea of.
Thank you cards
I don’t really agree with the whole thank you gifts for teachers thing. It all feels really commercial, and feels like if you don’t give a gift, you don’t appreciate the teacher. Given that presents were never given when we were at school, I don’t see how things have changed.
However, we did give small gifts to N’s teacher and TA. And a card each…and yes, I managed to persuade N to write both of the cards out. He even refused to copy anything I’d written. Ok, so I had to help him with some sounds – he obviously doesn’t like to try if he thinks words might be wrong. But he wrote something at home which is pretty unheard of.
It seems that N’s left his love of writing right to the end of the school year though. During our camping week, he’s written and drawn me a card, and then on getting home has started doing writing for his summer holiday scrapbook.
The last afternoon of the school year was the leavers church service followed by refreshments and cakes on the village green. The kids had been sent home the day before with their book bags and PE kits. But on Friday I wondered how they’d be able to carry outdoor shoes, wellies, drink bottle, coats and jumpers. Of course, N didn’t. He’d dropped his jumper on the walk to church (thankfully another mum from his class had picked it up), and had forgotten his water bottle and wellies. We had to head back to school to get them, waiting for the building to be unlocked again.
I was surprised we didn’t find any of N’s clothing on the lost items table at the end of term. So that’s one achievement – not bad for a reception class pupil not to have lost anything.
#SchoolDays linky

Awww bless him! Glad he did well in his report. He just needs to do as well as he can. Have you tried trading coins so he earns points, rewards for completing tasks to help motivate him? Though with him being so young I wouldnt worry too much yet!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime