School days – reading books and party excitement
This week school’s been relatively quiet compared to the last few weeks. N’s school days have been more of the same although we’ve had a few conversations around working vs staying at home as a parent.
Reading books
I’m sure all parents who’ve had children learning to read have the same thing to say about children’s reading books when they’re starting out. They’re sooooo dull.
N has Biff, Chip and Kipper books at home which I hate and he loves, but they’re nowhere near as dull as his reading books he brings home from school. 6 pages of trivial, repetitive and reversed sentences to avoid children guessing that every page says the same thing. Our school uses Phonic Bugs Oxford Reading books which seem to be popular amongst quite a few of my friends’ children’s schools. I can’t wait for the day when N is more confident at reading and will get proper stories and just more interesting things to read. For him and me. Because he hates them too which makes it hard to get him to read them to me.
Instead of reading the official book several times, it gets read once, then I try and persuade him to do a couple of pages , and then I encourage him to read some book titles or sentences in other books we’re reading. So far that seems more palatable.
Party excitement
It turns out that our class are pretty good at responding to RSVPs to parties unlike others I’ve heard and written about. We only needed to chase 3 people – 2 hadn’t received the invites (post and missing it in a drawer) and 1 had been ill. But all responded by a day after deadline, and N seems happy with the children who can come…mostly! He does like to chop and change his mind a lot so I never really know.
Quite a few of the mums have said their children were looking forward to it. Being the first party of the school year, it feels a little bit pressured as the one that may end up leading the way (or not). We’re fairly relaxed about the actual event – helped by getting someone in to do the entertainment which means a lot less stress and running about on the day.
Scooting to school
N’s always been used to being in pretty much full time nursery in the past, so doing a few morning clubs, and after school club most days was going to be the norm for him. He’s sometimes stated the comparison between some children at morning club vs those who walk to school with their parents. And for assemblies or events where parents go into school that I can’t go to, he often asks whether my boss will let me go.
But for his birthday he got a micro scooter* and that prompted him to ask if we could park further out from school so he could scoot in. I’m presuming he got the idea from his best friend who sometimes does that on his bike (with a self employed dad that means there’s a little more flexibility in doing do sometimes). He wasn’t happy when I explained that we just don’t have time to do it. Dropping off time can’t be earlier, and an extra 5 minute walk back to the car wherever it might be doesn’t work for me getting into work on time. Hopefully he understands why (I had to explain all my hours which are a bit complicated because I compress them to have an early finish one day to do school pick up), but I’m sure I’ll get more questions in future.
N was VIP for his class again, with the bonus that as VIP you get early in to lunch and early out to play. But he was more excited that it was a Friday and therefore they’re allowed to choose where they sit for lunch, rather than the rest of the week where they have specific tables and people.

Well done on being a VIP again – and on a Friday! Pickle hasn’t started reading at school yet – and it was ten years ago I started with my other son! I hope there is more than Biff and Chip! Kaz
I must be so difficult juggling school with working. I know I am dreading it. Its just not set up for working mums!! Well done on being a VIP again, glad he was able to sit with his friends x
It is hard. I thought I was going to have to reduce my hours (I do compressed on 3 days, to be able to do 2 normal drop offs and one pick up), but luckily they started morning club. Just hoping it continues.
It sounds like you’ve been very busy! I’ve got all of this to come when my daughter starts school next year! x
Ooh good luck with the admission, and hope it goes well. If you have any prep posts/visits you write up, but all means come and link up that week.
That is definitely a new concept in regards to the rules about only sitting with your friends on a Friday. I imagine that has both good and bad consequences but congrats on being a VIP little man!
Thanks Ana. They tend to sit in their teams the rest of the week (‘house’ teams), then Friday it’s the treat for them behaving during the rest of the week – so tidying up their trays after lunch, eating well, and generally not shouting and being really noisy during lunch break. If on Fridays they then don’t eat nicely and behave, they have to go back to their normal seats. Seems unusual, but works quite well in a small hall with 100 kids in.
Mine are too young (1 and 3) to have reading books from school so I have this to look forward to (or not!) I am an English teacher so going to be interesting!
I do not yet have kids so not familiar with the type of books they have but looks like N will have a lovely party with people RSVPing already.
I hate the school reading books! I go in to read weekly with the class at school as well, so when my daughter brings one home I’ve often read it already three or four times with other children! I’ve always had a good response rate with RSVPs as well luckily, usually it’s when the children live with both parents and it’s gone missing! I hope that the party went well, I’ve seen some pictures online which looked good!
Crikey, that is overkill with having to read numerous times. Dull. Obviously the invite thing is a bit sporadic…makes sense about kids living with separate parents/moving between houses. I think everyone in our year is married/living together so no reason for that to be a problem. Well, unless one assumes the other’s removed items from book bags
I hate the school reading books! I go in to read weekly with the class at school as well, so when my daughter brings one home I’ve often read it already three or four times with other children! I’ve always had a good response rate with RSVPs as well luckily, usually it’s when the children live with both parents and it’s gone missing! I hope that the party went well, I’ve seen some pictures online which looked good!
great linky I will add a post. I am glad you had such a good month at school.
Thanks Emma.
Oh I cant stand those kip chipper and biff books. they drive me bonkers. Well done for him being VIP. Thats sounds great..extra play! Angela from Daysinbed x