School days Year 6 November
November was a funny month. It’s approaching Christmas, but they’re still working as normal with the fun stuff not yet happening. N’s still been wearing shorts despite the temperature dropping, although thankfully the one day there was snow, he did wear trousers. Then switched back the day after.
Here’s Year 6 November school days.
Mini bubbles
They’ve stayed in mini bubbles inside, and out, although had a couple of days where they reverted to class bubbles at playtime before going back when there was a case in their class. N’s been lateral flow testing every few days after a tennis friend tested positive. So at least we know him and myself are still negative. Long may that continue. Thankfully the few cases at school don’t seem to have (so far) spread to contacts.
Christmas on its way
N’s been getting into Christmas spirit already. They’ve been listening to Christmas music, and they’ve started rehearsing their christmas play. N is Father Christmas, so I had to trawl online to find a costume. Luckily I found one on ebay as most places were out of stock. As usual, he’s not really enjoying the play rehearsals.
N has been baking mince pies, and there’s a bit of a contest going on to get top scores when their mince pies are being judged. It seems N has turned into a bit of a taste tester which he’s loving. He can’t get enough mince pies!

Class assembly
Their class did their assembly. Due to covid, it was performed out in the playground – parents could watch, or via Teams which I did. They shared their topic learning about World War 2. N had to do a posh voice to read a Neville Chamberlain speech, then he was in charge of the music and technical side which he really enjoyed. It was a good assembly. It’s so nice to remember how far they’ve come from being in reception where they sang songs as a group to now where they’re reading much longer things and doing more complex performances where they’ve done the research themselves.
Remembrance Day
Their class took part in the village Remembrance Day ‘service’. N was just excited at seeing who he knew was driving through despite the road being semi closed.
No more school lunches
After all his complaints about school lunches, he’s now changed to packed lunches. Each morning he makes his lunch, and so far he’s still keen. I need to get him to be cleaning the lunchbox each afternoon, and not waiting until the next morning to clean it out. It seems some of our feedback on the hot lunches has been taken on board. N said the portion sizes have got a little bigger. He’s having the Christmas lunch though, so it’ll be interesting to see how he enjoys that.
Star of the week
Of course N couldn’t remember what he got it for…then his certificate had an additional comment about mince pie tasting on the bottom!
Comprehension boosters
Something I never thought I’d hear N say ‘I like doing our comprehension sessions’. But he seems to really enjoy the boosters a group of them do with their usual hockey coach who comes in to help them. I think he likes the challenge – she tells them it’s quite hard comprehension, he likes the idea that they’re working at a higher level.
This year they’ve had a prefect meeting. I’m not sure how long they’ll last given they’re in their bubbles. Evidently one of the younger children asked if they were nearly finished, and stated they were bored (this is why I’d personally stick with prefects only being at the top of the school). N couldn’t even tell me what the meeting was about so I’m not sure how engaged he was either!
N is a football convert. After half term he switched to football club rather than doing multisports, and I’ve had to buy his first football boots. Football is now pretty much all he talks about. Yawn!
Other than football, they’ve been playing basketball in PE. So far this is the only sport he’s not been fussed about. He doesn’t find the sessions exciting at the moment – missing goalposts could be a bit restrictive. But I’m surprised he hasn’t seen developing the skills as a challenge to practice. Maybe when he gets a bit better at it, he’ll enjoy it more.
So they’re now into the Christmas run up, advent countdown, assessments and the usual end of term-its.
How have things been going at school with yours?
My youngest went to school with no coat this morning and it was snowing. I swear kids just don’t feel the cold. lol
It sounds like school is going well and it is an exciting time in the run up to Christmas. x