descant recorder, learning to play recorder

School days – yoga and SATs prep

Another week of School Days and there’s been more Year 2 SATs prep. Here’s this week’s School Days.

SATs prep

I don’t even know when they are, but N seems to think it’s quite normal to have workbooks to do and still doesn’t seem worried about them, or having tests to do. This week they were doing maths – it sounds like arithmatic and problem solving. N’s better on the arithmatic than problem solving (less reading involved in arithmatic!), but he told me he got 23/25.  I know his maths is his strength, but I’m pretty amazed if he got that right.

Now just his english to work on!

Indoor play

This week had a lot of rain and on Friday, they didn’t get outside to play at all.  N decided that he quite likes indoor play because it means they get to play Lego.  He usd to love the construction/Lego club at lunchtimes, but they don’t seem to do it much anymore.

Yoga Friday

On Friday they had a supply teacher for some of the day due to training courses.  N’s comment was that this teacher taught very differently to his normal teacher.  He couldn’t explain why.  But it meant they also fitted in both art (making magic stone bags – mystery to me too!) and yoga.

N has previously moaned about having to do yoga, but must have been converted after this week’s session. He came out and was showing me his warrior 1 and 2 moves.  Then when we arrived at tennis, he and a school friend were then both demoing the 3 moves they could remember. I’m not sure I knew there was one called a ninja, but they ordered me to call out Simon Says names that they could play and practice the moves.

Recorder and drums

N is really enjoying learning the recorder. It’s taking a while for them to progress. N plays a bit at home, but to be honest, while he’s enthusiastic, I’m not sure he’s taking note of correcting his fingers to make the notes sound correct.  I am hoping he’ll get inspired to want to learn an instrument one he’s gone into year 3.

descant recorder, learning to play recorder

So far, he’s turned down the offer to learn an instrument, but this week he announced he wanted to play the drums. Really? But yes, he definitely said drum lessons.

We do have room (if he clears out the dining room/back room of toys and everything else), but buying a drum kit seems like a big thing rather than being able to just rent a woodwind instrument before you know if they’re going to stick at it.  I did ask what his dad had said – he moans about the pair of us playing the piano, so I don’t think he’ll be too keen on the drums.  I guess I’ll keep asking and if he’s still saying he wants to learn, then speaking to a teacher to see how it works with getting access to practice.

Percussion isn’t the worst instrument – at least there’s good flexibility if you learn percussion rather than just drums. It means you could play in bands or in orchestras.  More discussions needed I suppose.

What’s been going on with your kids this last week in school?


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  1. Yeah, it’s a busy few months. I would rather they weren’t there in their current state – really feel for the children having to sit them 🙁

    1. A lot of pressure on you then too. Must be so hard – do you think they’re a good idea or would you rather they weren’t as they are?

  2. Ahh! We are preparing for the SATs too but the year 6 one’s. I will be glad when they’re over. I think ours start on the 14th of May. Eek!
    The Yoga does sound like fun.
    hehehe! Good luck with the drums!

    1. Think ours are a bit later than the year 6 ones. I would prefer a more orchestral instrument (just for transport reasons), but I can’t see him actually sticking at them

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