Snow day
I have to add the obligatory snow post, given it’s caused a lot of hassle and cancelled events as per usual.
We had snow falling from about 3pm yesterday to about 4pm today, so a fair lot. Although it looks a bit strange today…nothing on my car, then drifts in various places around the house, because we’re really exposed on the farm, and it was being blown all over the place.
Happy we didn’t need to go anywhere today, although swimming was cancelled, nursery had shut at 8am for pretty much the first time ever (luckily N wasn’t due to be in there today), a birthday visit has gone to pots, and it’s likely that our trip to soft play for N’s birthday and meeting friends will be postponed. I’m not intending to go anywhere until things thaw a bit.
I wanted to take N out, so got him wrapped up nice and warm (poor child could hardly move with the layers). He seemed quite keen until we opened the front door and the snow hit him in the face thanks to the wind.
Still, we wandered over to the farm for coffee time (after he’d stepped down a drop that was hidden by snow and fallen flat on his front), then wandered back again. N wasn’t really that fussed about the snow, no yearning to go and trample around in the nice fresh snow drifts in the back garden.
Hopefully, the dogs won’t have trampled over the garden snow and we can go out again tomorrow when the wind has died down and the snow has stopped. Can’t wait til N’s old enough to want to go sledging and build snowmen.

Looks like N had fun and he has the same/similar snowsuit to my boys 🙂 (popping over from Country Kids)
Thanks for popping by. Took him a couple of days to get used to it, but likes it now
We have had only sunshine here in Cornwall and as mine as older they are more than keen for some snow to play in. I love the photo you have with the dog but it does look like the dog is the more keen of the two to play in the snow! I’m sure this will change in time. Thank you for sharing your photo with me on Country Kids.
I’m quite happy to shovel some snow down your way. we had more yesterday, and am now worried about getting out to interview on Wednesday. Lovely living in the countryside, but not when you need to get anywhere in bad weather.