Playing sleeping arrangements
As I’ve said before, N does like his sleep, and generally sticks to his regular routine. Recently though, he’s started pulling blankets, pillows, cushions (and trying to pull off duvets) onto the floor and lying down as though he was going to sleep.
It’s all really cute and amusing, but was a bit puzzling at first.
We joked that he was obviously taking after his grandfather who has a tendency to snooze on the floor (although I’m not sure N has ever seen him doing it). But thinking about it, it has to be the nursery influence. After they move from the little baby room where they sleep in their own cot, in the Ducklings room he’s in now, they have mats on the floor they sleep on.

He won’t actually sleep though, just sucks his thumb and snuggles his blanket or Peter Rabbit. Oh and sometimes does his fake snoring.
Let’s hope when he needs have his cot sides removed, he’ll be as happy in his bed.