Project 52 2018 week 2 – Bicester Heritage vehicles
Back for week 2 of Project 52, and thankfully the week ended better than it went for most of it.
I started off last Sunday with a sore throat, and that’s been the theme for the week. Horrible cough, sore throat and fuzzy painful head. Adding to that lots going on at work with announcements left, right and centre. Oh and the heating systems broken at work as well. Mornings through til about 3pm was like a sauna, then it would turn to freezing. Thankfully it wasn’t just me feeling it, so it wasn’t just me being ill. Hopefully it’ll be better on Monday.
N’s had the usual mix of a week at school – last weekend he had the class dog at home. Unfortunately a weekend we were doing absolutely nothing (not great for the journal N had to write), so we did more things than I’d planned.
The poor pup has broken her leg, so she had an operation and is back at home again. Well, at the farm. So she’s invaded the labrador’s usual bed (again, after turfing her out of the kennel when she arrived originally!) and having a treat being in the farmhouse. I was expecting a cast and cone of shame, but no, just a plaster, a big shorn area, and a serious hobble when she gets taken out to get some air. She’s usually out a lot playing with her sister, so the other pup is a bit subdued moping around on her own because ours needs to heal without being leapt on.
The week ended up with N doing his Christmas present Young Driver session at Bicester Heritage. I was going to buy him a session before I then met Young Driver pr at Blog on and was offered a review. Of course this was before N announced he wasn’t having photos up, so I’ve got some great videos and photos of him driving the cars, but of course we’ll just be remembering them ourselves. The course was right next to this row of vehicles which we had to investigate while we waited.

Hope the pup is on the mend and I am sure N will change his mind at some point, maybe I should have made mine do a young drivers, because at the age of 17 and 19 neither of my two eldest are interested in learning to drive!
Itll costcthem so much to be insured until theyre older, thats probably a good thjng. I didnt wantvto at that age because i was at boarding school, then uni and would have driven then. K learnt after jni, passed first time within 3 months. My brother at 17/18 was a better natural driver, learnt with the same instructor at the same time and failed 3 times.
My husband loves places like that! #365
It’s a pretty cool place. I’m planning to try and get back there when the heritage centre opens to the public
We have a young driver experience to do too – I won it in a comp. Looks like fun even if you can only show the pics without N.
I have a couple of fab videos of him too. Pretty amazing being driven round by them. Hope H enjoys his – will he be in the proper cars?
Yes proper cars and a driving lesson.
The Young Driver session sounds like lots of fun and those vehicles definitely needed a closer inspection! I hope that you are feeling better now and that the pup is healing well x
The pup’s doing pretty well now. She’s not in a cast, so can hobble outside when needed.
My 11 year old did the Young Driver session and loved it. Keeps asking to do more. Aww poor puppy, hope the leg heals quickly!
poor puppy. hope he mends ok. The driving experience sounds fun.
Wow that looks like an amazing experience to do! Poor puppy – hope she gets better asap! #365
I’d love to get my kids a driving experience when they are a little older. Hope broken legs mend fast too! #mysundayphoto
The session is good but I did expect more. N basically had 1.5 laps with the instructor then she let me get in. Another kids had more help with his instructor helping him parking eye but he was wild and had no spatial awareness. N had been driving vehicles of some kind since he was 2.5y so it was straightforward for him. He loved it though and.said it didn’t feel like 20 mins.
the driving course sounds fun, hope you’re feeling a bit better this week and the heating is sorted at work, poor pup, how did she break her leg?
Oh no! The poor pup….
The Young Driver session sounds like a lot of fun!
I hope you are feeling better now x
I had no idea they ran those sessions in our back yard! Hope he enjoyed it, even without photos #365
Loved it. I wanted to go to Gaydon but they dont do the younger kids ones there anynore
Hope you recover soon. We’ve all been ill over Christmas too. Love all the old vehicles, sounds like a fun place to visit #mysundayphoto
I hope you feel better this week. Poor puppy, although they are quite resilient, our dog had to have his hip removed but still runs round like a loony x
That’s true. And I expect being young will help her heal
Hope you are feeling better now and the heating is sorted at work! Sorry to hear about the poor puppy breaking his leg.
Thankfully she seems to be healing ok. Sad to see her hobbling around though
I’m not sure what would be worse being too hot or too cold in work… I think I’d prefer to be hot, I can’t focus when I’m cold… I hope the pups leg heals quickly so it can get back out doing what pups do…. Maybe N will have a change of heart. My two are okay with me sharing photos every now and again.
At least when you’re cold you can put clothes on. Pup’s healing ok, it’s not nice seeing her hobbling when she needs to go out in the field for a pee and poo
I got one of the driving lessons for my little boys birthday. He’s not had it yet, but glad they sound good. Hope you’re feeling better x #project365
N loved it although I think we both expected a little more. He’s used to driving round the farm on various vehicles either alone or with help so for him it was a bit basic. He can’t wait to do one of the older lessons though
I haven’t yet been given a drastic No more photos of me from my younger one, but he is less obliging now. I guess we’ll have to address the similar issue soon enough. Hope you are feeling better now, and that the heating system at work is repaired.
Thanks Galina. I’m hoping so too