Trendy Thursday: campervan shirts and pack-a-macs
This week we had a few days away in Bristol. Going away with children is having to be ready for everything, so it’s quite hard to pack light. I thought I’d share two of the items I found essential for Trendy Thursday.
I always like N to have one smart shirt included in case we eat somewhere nice (plus it’s always nice to have one meal you dress up for), and a second essential has to be a light jacket for summer.
N really likes wearing a shirt, and although we have a few for him, they’re mostly saved for meals out or parties. I always think they can’t be as comfortable as t shirts for nursery, but maybe I should let him wear them more frequently to get more wear out of them. I love shirts with funky prints on, and this one with campervans is great fun.

Shirt – Tu at Sainsbury’s
Chinos – Tu at Sainsbury’s (I think)
Sandals – Pediped
N’s pack-a-mac is really handy. It’s again a cute design of cars, and I like that the green’s quite unusual. We have a great waterproof coat for N but it’s too warm for summer, so this one is great as it’s literally a top layer rather than providing that much warmth. The coat itself will fold into a pocket on the back, so I can just pop it into my handbag rather than having to drag round a coat everywhere or having to take a bigger bag. Now I just need one too!

Cars jacket/mac – Tu at Sainsbury’s
Burgundy chinos – hmm, think these are Tu as well!
Pumps – Startrite
I shouldn’t really be surprised at the amount of Saisnbury’s clothes in N’s wardrobe as I always stock up when their 25% off sale is on. Are you a fan of their clothes too?
Gorgeous shirt! The pack-a-mac sounds like just what I need for my 2! I hate dragging coats with us “just in case”! I am a fan of Sainsburys clothes too. They last really well and have some right bargains during the sale and when you can save 25% – Hope you had a fab holiday! Thanks for linking up with #TT_Thursday!
I know, I’m looking for packamac style coats for myself, as they’re such a pain to carry round ‘just in case’
Loving the shirt!! I also keep Lewis some shirts in his cupboard for special occasions, meals out, or just to look smarter for days out. Sorry for the delay in commenting, its been a hectic week #TT_Thursday
No worries, thanks for stopping by
I love the shirt – and the little jacket is cute too! x
Thanks. He’s got another shirt in his wardrobe that’s unworn, so must get that out as well
I love campervan shirts and this one is cute. I made one for my youngest last year and he can just about wear it still. Tshirts are OK, but I like it when I can persuade him to wear a shirt.
They do always look nice in shirts. I should put N in them more frequently really.