Trendy Thursday: a child’s choice and Frugi clothes
It’s another Trendy Thursday, and I’ve got a couple of picks today. The first wasn’t planned, but I couldn’t resist including it.
Like always, I set out clothes last night for N to wear today. But he decided he didn’t want to wear those. So once I was busy getting make-up and hair done, he got himself out a pair of shorts (not sure it was really the weather for shorts today) and pants. The shorts went on backwards, along with the socks from yesterday that he’d worn in bed and refused to remove.
Then N came in brandishing a too small shirt that is on the ‘giveaway to my godson’ pile in his room. He wasn’t impressed when I told him it wouldn’t fit, but that we have a new similar shirt that he could wear. Well, he was excited about that.
New shirt duly on and he was very pleased with himself. I think his clothes matching needs a bit of work as I’m not sure patterned shirt and shorts quite goes, but he did look very ready for a summer holiday…not the autumnal feel that this week has been.
My other share (bit late as the summer is almost over) were my Frugi purchases for him a month or so ago.
I’ve been gazing at the Frugi catalogues they’ve been sending me for a couple of years now, and always thought they were lovely but too pricy for children who grow out of things too fast. But now N’s that bit older and clothes are lasting a full year (or season), when I saw a good discount offer, I decided that I’d buy some summer gear.

I opted for some t shirts in lovely bright colours and a pair of comfy looking casual jersey shorts. As usual, I bought up a size because N has plenty of clothes in age 3-4 and I wanted them to last. So they’re age 4-5.
The communication with their online ordering is great, and the parcel arrived well packaged, as you expect from specialist online retailers. They really do tend to get it right. Frugi clothes are made from organic cotton which is so soft and snuggly as well. I can’t see it getting bobbly or shrinking after washing lots.

The first t-shirt is a great appliqued shark design. We’ve had quite a few comments about how nice it is when he’s been wearing it, and although it’s got a bright design, it’s a good basic colour that goes with lots of his shorts.

The second is a red t shirt with a cool bike design. N likes any t shirts with vehicles on that he knows about, so this one has gone down a treat.

I have found that the t shirts come up very slim fitted for the size they are. Maybe it’s because children get taller and slimmer, but they fit N widthways already, so I’m glad I measured them against existing t shirts he’s wearing now, otherwise if I’d just put them in the back of the wardrobe for next year, he might have found them too small and we’d not have got the wear out of them.
The shorts are definitely fit to size. Too long for N (he’s got some height to grow to, to be in an age 4-5 trouser or short) at the moment, but I do love jersey shorts – they’ll wash well and keep their colour. Ok so some people joke they’re like pyjamas, but they’re great for kids running around and rough and tumble as the seams are so much softer than the tailored shorts he otherwise wears.
The orange t shirt is fabulous. Not a colour I’d usually choose in such a block colour,but at this age it doesn’t really matter. It’s put away for next year as I ordered an age 5-6 as there wasn’t any in the smaller size in stock.
It’s lovely to have such bright colours for a cheery little boy…it’s going to be a darker world come autumn and winter. Already I’ve spotted the winter colours coming in.
Aww!! LOVE his style! I’m all for clashy clothes! Thanks for the heads up on the narrow fitting frugi stuff – I’d been drooling over some stuff for Sam, but think I’ll hold off as he’s really tall but not skinny, so they’d probably be too narrow for him. Thanks for linking up with #TT_thursday xx
You never know on sizing, even if they do include measurements (I know I’ve just ordered a dress for me a size up to what I’d normally have with the thought I’d take it in on top, and it’s about 2 sizes too small!)
I love how young children want to be able to choose their clothes but always look so random… N looks exactly how Lewis would look should I give him full access to his wardrobe! I think the shark frugi t-shirt is brilliant. Thank you for linking up #TT_Thursday
I love Frugi stuff! I have also stocked up in the sale for the next size up, and like you, tried on everything to see if any fits now, and some does!
It is really nice stuff, and not so obvious like Boden which you see all over the place. I was debating more sale stuff, but now N’s at age 4-5, and his next size up will likely be when he’s started school, and so won’t need as much casual wear…boo, I’ll have to stop buying as many clothes for him.
Aww bless him, he looks lovely 🙂 love the shark t-shirt! X
I have never heard of Frugi before but you picked some really cute stuff, it’s always a shame when the sizes come up a bit smaller than expected but glad you can get some wear out of them x
They’re one of the companies that I obviously signed up to a newsletter/entered a competition as like Boden and Joules I get sent lots of catalogues. Pretty pricing (I usually buy in supermarkets), but it’s nice to have items that very few people have, especially if they’re going to last a full year.
Love frugi too…. I bought some shorts in the sale, but a size 5-6. Put them on T this am and they were falling off. They are lovely though. Really soft chino type. Hopefully he’ll be able to wear next year!
Mmm, you never know until you try them. Did they have adjustable waists? I know N struggles with Boden bottoms as lots don’t have adjustable bits, but luckily these ones don’t look too bad width wise. I love the fleeces too, but I’ve also spotted a couple elsewhere that would do for layering and are much cheaper.