Trendy Tuesday – casual everyday wear
Of course, Tuesdays come round again and I’ve not thought at all about what N’s dressed in in preparation of linking up to Trendy Tuesday. I suppose it shows his usually messy/jumbled put together style.
It does help that most of his wardrobe is based on blues and browns, meaning everything goes with everything else (in theory). Hopefully once he starts wanting to choose his own clothes, it won’t end up being too embarrassing and garish!
The weather’s been really strange recently. Indoors we can be in t-shirt but then outside, it can get quite chilly. Today though, it has been quite muggy although it’s cool outside – definitely makes it hard to dress in the morning.
I’ve given up on vests for him, as I’m sure he gets too hot and is happy running round in a t-shirt. He’s got a few thin jumpers for layering, but I tend to pick him up from childcare to find he’s been running round in a t-shirt. I remember being in shorts and summer gear from earlier in the year when I was young, but at the moment we’re alternating between shorts and trousers which is a bit of a pain.
Anyway, today, he’s been in extremely casual gear. Mostly nearly new stuff bought from NCT sales.

- Jumper – Nearly new – not sure where it’s from, could be Primark or Matalan, but N always tells me it’s his cousin’s jumper…not convinced, sure his cousin doesn’t have the same jumper!
- Trousers – Nearly new Old Navy trousers. Real bargain, although they are quite wide legged for his little legs.
- T-shirt underneath – Gap
- Dribble Bib – Funky Giraffe as per usual
- Cool new (although they no longer look it) Startrite canvas Treasure Island shoes. They do have a small skull on them, which I’m not keen on for little children, but you can’t really see it.
I like that top! A nice bright bit of red- Lovely! X