Trendy Tuesday: toddler pyjamas
N’s been extremely casual this week..there’s been quite a lot of mud involved (the quad biking adventure the other day being one reason), so today’s Trendy Tuesday is coming to you via pyjamas.
I love N in pjs. You can get some lovely designs. Although babies look lovely in sleepsuits, and its horrible thinking that they’ve grown out of the baby stage and now need pjs, I think toddlers look great in them.
We are Gap fans as the skinny leg style does suit, although it does mean we have to go up at least a size to ensure they’re comfortable rather than being skintight. The designs aren’t always my cup of tea, but if you manage to pick some up in the sale, you can get a good bargain. These ones are glow in the dark (although I’ve not really noticed it at all).

One pair that’s just about on the way out are this monkey & banana pair from Leveret. I bought them from Zulily – he was known as Banana by my best friend when I was pregnant, hence the choice of these pjs.

I also buy a lot of Sainsbury’s pjs for N. They’re not the thickest, but as he’s now under a proper single duvet I’m not too worried about that.
They come in packs of 2 for around a tenner, which is a bargain. They don’t always have an elasticated ankle so I have to look out for those, but there’s usually some pretty fun designs. My only issue is that they shrink (the tops anyway) quite quickly, which means some of his age 3-4 trousers (he’s generally in 2-3 size) are too short for his body.
I spotted these great ones in the Tu 25% off sale the other week, comic style, and they’re brilliant. I’m not sure that N knew what he was looking at when he first put them on, but they fit him really well and he likes them. The second pair are the reverse patterns so they’re quite flexible in how they can be combined.

What shops do you like for children’s pyjamas?
Those PJs are all gorgeous. I love GAP for PJs and love the skinny look, but like you, find I have to go a size up. They are pricey, but like you, I pick them up in the sale as well. They do wash quite well I find. Sorry my comment is so tardy!x
That’s definitely the good thing about pjs, they don’t really get worn from wear, so normal washing shouldn’t be a problem (cheaper ones do shrink though). They’re so much fun design wise (especially compared to some normal everyday clothes)